Updated February 10th, 2025
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In press
- Schwabe, R. C., P. Wagner, D. Rödder, A. Rauhaus, and T. Ziegler. Agamidae in zoos: Assessment of the threat status worldwide and their distribution patterns in zoological collections. Salamandra.
‘Peer reviewed’ Journals
2025 |
- Meyers, E. K. M., N. Faure, D. Jimenez-Alvarado, J. Barker, H. Toledo-Padilla, F. Tuya, C. Pike, L. R. Mead, M. J. Sealey, M. B. Caro, D. M. P. Jacoby, F. R. Olivares, T. Bañeras, A. Guerra-Marrero, A. Espino-Ruano, J. J. Castro, C. Bousquet, I. Giovos, D. Rödder, S. Manel, J. Deter, and K. A. Feldheim. 2025. Distinct management units for the Critically Endangered angelshark (Squatina squatina) revealed in the Canary Islands. Conservation Genetics 26: 103–116. (PDF)
The angelshark, Squatina squatina, is listed as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, and remaining populations are highly fragmented throughout its historical distribution. The Canary Islands archipelago in the North East Atlantic has been identified as a uniquely large stronghold for the species. In the present study, we compared the population genetic structure of S. squatina across different islands of the Canary Island archipelago using both microsatellite and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. Both markers revealed significant differentiation of angelsharks between islands in the archipelago, with three main genetic units at: (1) Tenerife, (2) Gran Canaria and (3) the island group consisting of La Graciosa, Lanzarote and Fuerteventura. Our results imply a connectivity barrier between some adjacent islands, most likely driven by abyssal depths, and varying geological history and formation of each island and oceanographic patterns (i.e. seasonal coastal upwellings off the African coast). Therefore, we suggest that in the Canary Islands, S. squatina populations should be managed locally, with conservation and research priorities designed and implemented specifically for each of the three genetic units
2024 |
- Borgwerth, M., C. Scholten, A. K. Lin, M. K. Thura, L. L. Grismer, T. Ziegler, and D. Rödder. 2024. Gaps in the protection of the amphibians of Myanmar – threat status, endemism, protected area coverage and One Plan Approach conservation. Integrative Conservation 3: 353–367 (PDF)
Currently, 41% of amphibian species are threatened with extinction, leading to the ongoing amphibian crisis. In Myanmar, the amphibian diversity is still poorly understood, and, as a result, many conservation gaps remain. To increase the knowledge about Myanmar’s amphibians and thus provide an opportunity to fill the gaps in conservation in the country, we assess the species in greater detail. To do so, we compile a species list of the amphibians of Myanmar through various sources and evaluate their threat status using the IUCN Red list. We perform richness analyses to compare the distribution areas of the amphibian species of Myanmar to the distribution of the protected areas (PAs) in the country. We evaluate the representation of Myanmar’s amphibians in zoos worldwide through the Zoological Information Management System (ZIMS) to check the implementation of the One Plan Approach to Conservation. Our results suggest that there are 152 amphibian species extant in Myanmar, of which 25 are endemic to the country. 4.6% (n = 7) of all species are classified as threatened, but counting those with insufficient available data as possibly threatened increases the number to 44.1% (n = 67). Of them, 40 species are not covered by any of Myanmar’s PAs. That includes 28.6% of the threatened, 35.7% of the potentially threatened, and 48% of the endemic species. According to the ZIMS database, none of Myanmar’s threatened, potentially threatened, or endemic amphibian species are kept in any zoo or aquarium worldwide, suggesting that the One Plan Approach is not sufficiently implemented as a conservation measure for Myanmar’s amphibians. With this study, we show conspicuous gaps in the protection of Myanmar’s amphibians and provide a list of the 36 most threatened species, recommending a possible prioritization for upcoming conservation actions.
- Chiachio, M., D. Rödder, K. Henle, and A. Grimm-Seyfarth. 2024. Influences of ski-runs, meadow management and climate on the occupancy of reptiles and amphibians in a high-altitude environment of Italy. Ecology and Evolution 14: e11378. (PDF)
Alpine ecosystems harbour a rich and highly specialised biodiversity, which is particularly susceptible to anthropogenic disturbances such as habitat loss and fragmentation as well as to climate change. Combined with other forms of land-use conversion, construction and maintenance of ski resorts can have severe consequences on alpine biodiversity. In this study, we show how one amphibian and two reptile species, namely Rana temporaria, Zootoca vivipara and Vipera berus, respond to such impacts by means of a multi-season occupancy analysis. We found all three species both in and outside ski-runs, showing that these habitats do not necessarily preclude their occurrence. Contrarily, this is influenced more by microhabitat availability, such as ground vegetation, humid areas and rock cover, rather than by macro-characteristics like elevation or habitat type. Moreover, we found a climatic influence on the year-to-year occupancy change of the species, with activity-month conditions being more relevant than overwintering ones. Our results demonstrate how, in the specific case of reptiles and amphibians, ski resorts do not necessarily limit species’ occurrence and that a mild series of management actions might secure the species’ persistence in the area.
- Deiß, F., P. Ginal, and D. Rödder. 2024. Microclimatic growth rates of Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans under current and future climates: a very high spatial resolution SDM for Bsal and Salamandra salamandra (Linnaeus, 1758) within forest habitats of the European Hotspot area. Diversity 2024, 16, 510. (PDF) (Supplementary Material)
Chytridiomycosis is one of the greatest threats to the diversity of amphibians worldwide. Caused by the chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal), it plays a decisive role in species declines. Bsal is particularly harmful to the European fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra), causing ulcerations, anorexia and ataxia, which ultimately lead to death. While most studies have focused on the geographic expansion of the pathogen, there is little high-resolution information available. Therefore, we chose a three-step approach in this study: We (I) used a mechanistic distribution model to project the microclimatic growth rate of Bsal within its invasive range on a spatially very high resolution (25 m). We (II) used a correlative distribution model to predict the potential distribution of S. salamandra and (III) applied n-dimensional hypervolumes to quantify the realized microclimatic niches of both species and examine their overlaps. We estimated future trends based on comparisons among three climate scenarios, the current microclimatic conditions and a +2 ◦C and +4 ◦C global mean temperature scenario. We demonstrated that Bsal finds suitable growth conditions everywhere within our study area, thus putting S. salamandra at high risk. However, climate change could lead to less suitable thermal conditions for Bsal, possibly providing a loophole for S. salamandra
- Hamdan, B., S. L. Bonatto, D. Rödder, V. C. Seixas, R. M. F. Santos, D. J. Santana, L. G. Machado, J. M. Kleiz-Ferreira, M. A. de Freitas, R. C. Gonzalez, T. Cavalcante, M. B. de Souza, C. B. Régis, D. S. Fernandes, H. Fernandes-Ferreira, and R. B. Zingali. When a name changes everything: taxonomy and conservation of the Atlantic Bushmaster (genus Lachesis Daudin, 1803) (Serpentes: Viperidae: Crotalinae). Systematics and Biodiversity 22(1). (PDF)
The South American bushmaster Lachesis muta is currently considered a valid taxon with no recognized subspecies. However, its wide distribution with discontinuous populations, the restricted sampling of molecular data in previous studies, and the inherent difficulty in obtaining diagnostic data, preclude a detailed evaluation of the taxonomic status of this taxon. In this study, we use high-resolution genomics, as well as venomic, morphological, and ecological data to infer the speciation processes involved in the evolutionary history of L. muta populations. Our data recognize the Amazon populations as L. muta and the Atlantic Forest populations as L. rhombeata. L. rhombeata has lower genetic diversity than L. muta and we recommend a critical evaluation to include this species in the national and international red lists of endangered species. Moreover, we propose classifying the L. rhombeata population from the Baturite massif (Ceara state) as an evolutionarily significant unit (ESU) for conservation and we also found genetic substructure within L. muta populations. We expect our results will contribute to the taxonomic stability of the Neotropical fauna and highlight the urgency of protecting Atlantic Forest populations of Lachesis species and, consequently, the landscape that this species and related biota inhabit. - Harrer, S., P. Ginal, W. C. Tan, J. W. Binaday, A. C. Diesmos, R. Manalo, T. Ziegler, and D. Rödder. 2024. Disappearing archosaurs – an assessment of established protected areas in the Philippines to save the Critically Endangered, endemic Philippine Crocodile (Crocodylus mindorensis). Salamandra 60: 29-41. (PDF)
Once distributed all over the Philippines, the endemic Philippine Crocodile (Crocodylus mindorensis) is nowadays threatened with extinction. It is estimated that less than 140 mature individuals live in the wild. Human activities like fishing and poaching, as well as land-use change and habitat conversion cause a continuing threat to the remaining populations. Therefore, designated protected areas (PAs) were evaluated with species distribution models (SDMs) and also to see if most suitable areas are covered by PAs in order to improve future conservation efforts. For this purpose, the existing IUCN-reserves were analysed for potential habitat suitability (combining bioclimatic and remote sensing variables), wetland occurrences and the human footprint index by using MaxEnt and QGIS. Based on species records, our final SDM showed high performance and revealed the climatically most suitable areas for the species, which were mostly on Luzon and Mindanao. However, only small parts of the climatically suitable wetlands are currently covered by reserves (0.3–46.3%). In addition, none of the species’ records was located within a PA. The anthropogenic pressures in the reserves measured by human footprint index (considering eight variables i.e. ‘population density’, ‘navigable waterways’, ‘crop lands’ and ‘roads’) were diverse and varied between a low and moderate level. Most of the records were found in areas with a moderate human footprint. Considering the three criteria, ‘Lake Lanao Watershed Reservation’, ‘Angat Watershed Forest Reserve District (Metro Water District)’, ‘Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park’, ‘Talaytay Protected Landscape’ and ‘Agusan Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary’ revealed to be the most suitable conservation areas for C. mindorensis, whereas suitable areas outside PAs are highly recommended for further surveys. We recommend to declare Ligawasan Marsh, Mindanao as a PA as this area harbours a large population of C. mindorensis. The declaration of more climatically suitable areas with low level of human footprint to PAs is a necessary step for the long-term conservation of this endemic crocodile species. The current network of existing PAs needs improvement in order to provide well-suited and long-term protection for C. mindorensis. More surveys are also necessary to find hidden, so far overlooked populations and to assess C. mindorensis tolerance level for human impacts.
- Hofmann, S., D. Rödder, T. Andermann, M. Matschiner, J. Riedel, C. B. Baniya, M. Flecks, J. Yang, K. Jiang, J. Jianping, S. N. Litvinchuk, S. Martin, R. Masroor, M. Nothnagel, V. Vershinin, Y. Zheng, D. Jablonski, J. Schmidt, and L. Podsiadlowski. 2024. Exploring paleogene Tibet’s warm temperate environments through target enrichment and phylogenetic niche modeling of Himalayan Spiny Frogs (Paini, Dicroglossidae). Molecular Ecology 33: e17446 (PDF)
The Cenozoic topographic development of the Himalaya-Tibet orogen (HTO) substantially affected the paleoenvironment and biodiversity patterns of High Asia. However, concepts on the evolution and paleoenvironmental history of the HTO differ massively in timing, elevational increase and sequence of surface uplift of the different elements of the orogen. Using target enrichment of a large set of transcriptome-derived markers, ancestral range estimation and paleoclimatic niche modelling, we assess a recently proposed concept of a warm temperate paleo-Tibet in Asian spiny frogs of the tribe Paini and reconstruct their historical biogeography. That concept was previously developed in invertebrates. Because of their early evolutionary origin, low dispersal capacity, high degree of local endemism, and strict dependence on temperature and humidity,cladogenesis of spiny frogs may echo the evolution of the HTO paleoenvironment. We show that diversification of main lineages occurred during the early to Mid-Miocene, while the evolution of alpine taxa started during the late Miocene/early Pliocene. Our distribution and niche modelling results indicate range shifts and niche stability that may explain the modern disjunct distributions of spiny frogs. They probably maintained their (sub)tropical or (warm)temperate preferences and moved out of the ancestral paleo-Tibetan area into the Himalaya as the climate shifted, as opposed to adapting in situ. Based on ancestral range estimation, we assume the existence of low-elevation, climatically suitable corridors across paleo-Tibet during the Miocene along the Kunlun, Qiangtang and/or Gangdese Shan. Our results contribute to a deeper understanding of the mechanisms and processes of faunal evolution in the HTO.
- Höffner, H., S. T. Nguyen, P. H. Dang, M. Motokawa, T. Oshida, D. Rödder, T. Q. Nguyen, M. D. Le, H. T. Bui, and T. Ziegler. 2024. Conservation priorities for threatened mammals of Vietnam: Implementation of the IUCN´s One Plan Approach. Nature Conservation 56: 161-180. (PDF)
Vietnam belongs to one of the most well-known global biodiversity hotspots. However, its biodiversity is being threatened by multiple factors such as rapid growth of the human population, habitat destruction, overexploitation, and climate change. To better prioritize conservation measures for Vietnam’s mammal fauna, this study attempts to identify the threat status, level of endemism, and protected area coverage for approximately 329 recognized taxa. In addition, ex situ conservation measures are investigated by analyzing zoo databases. Our results show that as many as 112 mammal species (~34%) in Vietnam are officially listed as threatened, 36 (~11%) are country endemics, and nine (~3%) are micro-endemic. Nearly all threatened species are currently covered by protected areas, except for two species of high conservation importance, i.e., the micro-endemic Murina harpioloides (Chiroptera) and the threatened Lepus sinensis (Lagomorpha). Our results also suggest that such areas as Hoang Lien Range, northeastern Vietnam, and the central and southern Annamite Mountains require more conservation attention, as they harbor a high number of endemic species. Analyses of the Zoological Information Management System reveal that roughly 60% (67 species) of threatened species are currently kept in zoos (ex situ) across the world, while none of the species listed as “Data Deficient” are currently represented in any ex situ program. Up to 66% of 89 species kept in zoos show a good number of breeding successes in the past 12 months. It is recommended that future conservation efforts focus on unprotected threatened mammals and on evaluating the threat status for “Data Deficient” species. Additionally, the existing protected area system’s effectiveness should be improved by creating corridors to provide connectivity for highly mobile and widely distributed mammal species.
- Le, M. D., D. Rödder, T. T. Nguyen, C. T. Pham, T. Q. Nguyen, A. V. Ong, T. E. M. McCormack, M. H. Le, H. T. Ngo, and T. Ziegler. 2024. Climatic niche modeling and genetic analyses highlight conservation priorities for the Spotted Softshell Turtle (Pelodiscus variegatus). Nature Conservation 55: 67-82. (PDF)
The Spotted Softshell Turtle (Pelodiscus variegatus) has been recognised since 2019 from Vietnam and Hainan Island, China, but little information about its population status and distribution range is currently available. The species has been provisionally listed as Critically Endangered by the Turtle and Tortoise Working Group, although the status has not been officially accepted by the IUCN, due to the threats the species is facing, including habitat loss and degradation, overexploitation for food, competition with other non-native softshell turtles and pollution. To identify conservation priority sites for P. variegatus in mainland Indochina, this study combines molecular analyses and species distribution modelling. Our results show that, in Vietnam, Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park has the largest suitable area and high probability of species occurrence, followed by Vu Quang National Park and Song Thanh and Ke Go Nature Reserves. In addition, the central provinces, from Thanh Hoa to Thua Thien Hue in Vietnam, constitute a key part of the species distribution and should be prioritised for conservation actions. According to the study’s findings, although P. variegatus is possibly found in Laos, the probability decreases sharply at the border between both countries and there is also a gap in the occurrence of wetlands, arguing for strong natural barriers. Unfortunately, to date, only part of the species potential distribution is protected, while no records are known from protected areas, highlighting the need for extended or even new reserves. To recover natural populations of the species and following the IUCN’s One Plan Approach to Conservation, breeding programmes have been established in Vietnam with a potential to expand to other facilities in the country and abroad. Once suitable sites are identified, offspring can be released into the protected areas to improve the current conservation status of this highly-threatened softshell turtle.
- Noori, S., A. Hofmann, D. Rödder, M. Husemann, and H. Rajaei. 2024. A window to the future: effects of climate change on the distribution patterns of Iranian Zygaenidae and their host plants. Biodiversity and Conservation 33: 579-602. (PDF)
Climate change has been suggested as an important human-induced driver for the ongoing sixth mass extinction. As a common response to climate change, and particularly global warming, species move toward higher latitudes or shift uphill. Furthermore, rapid climate change impacts the biotic interactions of species. Especially, in Zygaenid moths which are highly specialized in both habitat and host plant preferences. Iranian Zygaenidae are relatively well-known and represent a unique fauna with a high endemism rate (46%) in the whole Palearctic; as such they are a good model to study the impact of climate change on future distributions. In this study, species distribution modeling (SDM) and ensembles of small models (ESMs) were used to investigate the impact of climate change on the future distribution of endemic and nonendemic species of zygaenids, as well as their larval host plants. Three different climate scenarios were applied to predict the probable responses of the species to different climate change intensities. Our results suggest that the central and southern parts of the country will be impacted profoundly by climate change compared to the northern regions. Beyond this, most endemic species will experience an altitudinal shift from their current range, while non-endemic species may move towards higher latitudes. Considering that the regions with a higher diversity of zygaenids are limited to mountainous areas, mainly within the IranoAnatolian biodiversity hotspot, the identification of their local high-diversity regions for conservation practices has a high priority.
- Noori, S., D. Rödder, M. Soofi, O. Hawlitschek, M. Husemann, and H. Rajaei. Extensive mismatch between protected areas and biodiversity hotspots of Iranian Lepidoptera. Insect Conservation and Diversity 17: 938-952. (PDF)
1. Amidst the era of rapid decline in insect diversity, the role of protected areas (PAs) in conserving current insect diversity is more significant than ever. Previous studies indicate that the species-diverse regions in Iran fall within two global biodiversity hotspots (GBHs): the Irano-Anatolian hotspot in the north and the Caucasus hotspot in the west. However, there is an extensive conservation gap between species-diverse regions and PAs for different vertebrate taxa. Additionally, megadiverse groups of insects have been overlooked in previous conservation assessments.
2. In this study, using the most comprehensive occurrence dataset of 1974 species from nine families of Lepidoptera, we delineated regions with statistically significant high diversity as diversity hotspots of the group. Furthermore, we defined the regions with higher conservation priority. Finally, we applied a gap analysis to assess the mismatch between the network of PAs and the most species-diverse regions.
3. Most species-diverse regions of Lepidoptera fall within GBHs and particularly the Irano-Anatolian hotspot. Overall, the results of our gap analysis revealed that less than one quarter of currently established PAs cover priority areas for conservation, which indicates a dramatic deficiency of the network of PAs in conserving higher priority areas of Lepidoptera.
4. Misplacement of the PAs in Iran, beside pressure of human footprint, can reduce the effectiveness of the established PAs to conserve the current biodiversity. Hence, enhancing the existing network of PAs and designing new ones, while considering mega-diverse taxa such as insects, will be essential for implementing effective conservation practices. - Ranjbaran, Y., D. Rödder, A. Abdoli, and F. Ahmadzadeh. 2024. What happens in the ice age, does not stay in the ice age: Phylogeography of Bombus terrestris revealed a low genetic diversity amongst the Eurasian populations. Global Ecology and Conservation 49: e02775. (PDF)
The objective of this research was to assess the genetic diversity and phylogeography of Bombus terrestris and examine the historical events that shaped its contemporary genetic structures using the COI mitochondrial marker. Specimens of the species were collected from its distribution range alongside the Alborz Mountain range, and GenBank sequences from the Eurasian distribution range were incorporated into the dataset. The COI sequences were employed in Bayesian and Maximum Likelihood analyses to generate phylogenetic trees for the species populations and to investigate the evolutionary history of the species. Additionally, species occurrence points and climate data were utilized in Species Distribution Modeling (SDM) analyses to reconstruct the species range under past, present, and future climate conditions. The ML and BI trees yielded similar topologies, indicating extremely low genetic diversity and a homogeneous structure in the species population distribution range in Eurasia. Demographic analyses suggested that the species may have experienced a bottleneck during the last glacial maximum in Eurasia, followed by a recent expansion. The SDM analyses revealed significant fluctuations in the species range in the past and expansion under present conditions. Given the high dispersal ability of the species, the population expansion rate has surpassed the rate of developing new genetic diversity, and the estimated polymorphic sites for the species are likely relatively recent. This low level of genetic variation can also be attributed to the absence of geographical barriers and the excellent flying ability of the queen bee, leading to sustained gene flow throughout the entire continent. Despite the general correlation between larger populations and higher genetic diversity, bumblebees can expand their population size without increasing genetic diversity when residing in resourceful habitats.
- Riedel, J., K. Eisle, M. Gabelaia, T. Higham, J. Wu, Q. H. Do, T. Q. Nguyen, C. G. Meneses, R. Brown, T. Ziegler, L. L. Grismer, A. P. Russell, and D. Rödder. 2024. Ecologically-related variation of digit morphology in Cyrtodactylus (Gekkota, Squamata) reveals repeated origins of incipient adhesive toepads. Functional Ecology 38: 1630–1648. (PDF)
1. Exploitation of different locomotor substrates in different ecological niches has driven the evolution of specialized morphological structures, and similar ecological demands, such as the structure of the microhabitat, often lead to convergent or parallel evolution.
2. The evolution of adhesive toepads in geckos remains understudied because of the paucity of phylogenetically-informed investigations of candidate clades exhibiting purported incipient expression of these (i.e. species having evolved some, but not all, parts of the complex adhesive system of pad-bearing geckos).
3. Using Cyrtodactylus, a speciose genus with well-established ecotypes, we tested the hypothesis that microhabitats that require more climbing will lead to the acquisition of incipient adhesive morphology.
4. We measured subdigital scale area, a proxy for adhesive toepad evolution, and quantified subdigital scale shape for 77 of the 354 described species, including at least one representative of each ecotype.
5. Subdigital scale area increased from terrestrial through generalist and saxicoline (rock-dwelling) to arboreal ecotypes, with subdigital scale shape evolving from ancestral conditions for padless lizards to lateromedially expanded lamella-like scales only in the arboreal ecotypes.
6. This significant link between phenotype and environment supports the contention that scansorial, and particularly arboreal, Cyrtodactylus ecotypes have evolved incipiently expressed adhesive toepads. This highlights the suitability of this genus as a model system for studying the ecology and evolution of adhesive toepads as well as being a promising candidate for research on adaptive radiations. - Riedel, J., L. L. Grismer, T. Higham, J. Wu, Q. H. Do, T. Q. Nguyen, C. G. Meneses, R. M. Brown, P. D. Campbell, T. Ziegler, A. P. Russell, and D. Rödder. 2024. Ecomorphology of the locomotor apparatus in the genus Cyrtodactylus (Gekkota, Squamata). Evolutionary Biology 51: 106–123. (PDF)
Adaptive radiations garner considerable interest from evolutionary biologists. Lizard radiations diversifying along structural niche space often exhibit distinct changes in body and limb proportions. One prediction is that terrestrial species inhabiting open habitats will have relatively longer hindlimbs, associated with faster running speeds, while scansorial species will have relatively shorter limbs to keep the centre of mass closer to the substratum. Alternatively, terrestrial species in densely vegetated habitats could benefit from relatively shorter limbs to prevent entanglement with more frequently encountered obstacles, whereas scansorial species could benefit from longer limbs promoting greater limb spans and static stability. Cyrtodactylus, an ecologically diverse gekkonid genus, includes numerous specialists with narrow structural niches, but the degree of morphological diversification exhibited by these specialists is largely unknown. We investigated associations between locomotor morphology and structural microhabitat use in Cyrtodactylus to test if either of the opposing predictions can be corroborated for this radiation. We measured body length and relative limb dimensions of 87 species, covering multiple independent transitions among structural microhabitat preferences. Using these data, we reconstructed the phylomorphospace and tested for associations between structural microhabitat niche and limb morphology. We found strong separation between structural niche groups in accordance with the second hypothesis, although overlap is evident among functionally related niches such as those of granite and karst specialists.
- Rose, A., M. Tuchtfeldt, R. Lammers, J. Rode-White, M. Markolf, T. Pagel, D. Rödder, and T. Ziegler. 2024. Prioritising ex situ conservation for Malagasy mammal species in line with IUCN’s ‘One Plan Approach to Conservation’. Diversity 2024: 16, 456. (PDF)
Madagascar, as one of the global biodiversity hotspots, hosts numerous unique terrestrial mammal species that need urgent protection. To identify priority species for conservation, an updated list of terrestrial Malagasy mammal species was compiled, including their threat status, distribution, endemism level, Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) listing, and Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered (EDGE) score. An overview of these species kept in zoos worldwide was created using the Zoological Information Management System and Zootierliste to assess ex situ conservation efforts. Nearly 60% of the 212 native terrestrial mammal species are threatened with extinction, with 18% being regional endemics, 39% microendemics, and 42% endemics. The majority of these species (92%) occur within protected areas. About half of Madagascar’s mammals are listed under CITES, and less than half have an EDGE score. Only 34 species are kept in zoos globally, with 26 Red-Listed as threatened. Nine out of seventeen families are not represented in zoos. A total of 1545 institutions, primarily in Europe and North America, keep Malagasy mammal species, with successful reproduction reported for 28 species in the last 12 months, 23 of them listed as threatened on the IUCN Red List. To maximize conservation, we recommend reallocating resources towards priority species and implementing concerted ex situ and in situ actions as proposed by the IUCN’s One Plan Approach.
- Tan, W. C., V. Vitalis, J. Sikuim, D. Rödder, M.-O. Rödel, and S. Asad. 2024. High freshwater turtle occupancy of streams within a sustainably managed tropical forest, Borneo. Journal of Wildlife Management 2024;88:e22633. (PDF)
Despite suffering dramatic declines due to habitat loss and overexploitation, tortoises and freshwater turtles in Southeast Asia remain understudied. Sustainable forest management offers a promising approach for advancing the conservation of threatened turtle populations. This study examines the effect of reduced impact logging (RIL), a sustainable forestry method, on 2 freshwater turtle species. We examined detectability patterns and habitat relationships for the threatened Malayan flat-shelled turtle (Notochelys platynota) and the non-threatened Malayan soft-shelled turtle (Dogania subplana) in 8 streams within a commercial forest reserve between March and July 2019, in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Using single-species occupancy models, we identified covariates associated with the detection and occupancy probabilities of these species across a post-harvest recovery gradient (1-21 years since logging). Covariates used in the models were obtained directly from the field or from open-source remote sensing data. Results for soft-shelled turtles were inconclusive. In contrast, we found a negative association between monthly rainfall and flat-shelled turtle detectability. The occupancy probability of flat-shelled turtles was positively associated with greater distance from logging roads and higher stream flow accumulation. Occupancy probability for flat-shelled turtles and soft-shelled turtles was relatively high throughout the reserve (0.79 ± 0.1 [SD] and 0.57 ± 0.22, respectively). These results, suggest that appropriately managed forests, could serve as invaluable conservation areas for imperiled freshwater turtle species in the region. - Weddeling, K., M. Schlüpmann, and D. Rödder. 2024. Zunahme der Fliegenmadenkrankheit (Myiasis) bei Anuren in NRW? Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie 31: 55–64. (PDF)
Since 2017, there have been 137 new myiasis records in amphibians in NRW. These are presented in a new distribution map. Myiasis was detected in 162 of 1260 grid squares (12.9 %), a significant increase compared to the data collected until 2017 (8.7 % at that time). The previously known distribution foci in the urban centres in the Ruhr area and the Rhine region are largely confirmed by the new findings, but there is also a significant expansion of findings in the peripheral areas of NRW. The significant increase of records of fly maggot disease since about 15 years is partly a consequence of the increased attention of the phenomenon among herpetologists. Phenology and host species spectrum largely correspond to previous findings, the common toad being the most common host with almost 90 %. Infestation rates derived from record data are 0.7 % (0.0–6.3 %) and are significantly lower than estimates from detailed population studies.
- Vimercati, G., D. Rödder, S Vuilleumier, M. Berronneau, and J. Secondi. 2024. Large-landscape connectivity models for pond-dwelling species: methods and application to two invasive amphibians of global concern. Landscape Ecology 39: 76 (PDF).
Context Functional connectivity models are essential in identifying major dispersal pathways and developing effective management strategies for expanding populations of invasive alien species. However, the extrapolation of models parameterized within current invasive ranges may not be applicable even to neighbouring areas, if the models are not based on the expected responses of individuals to landscape structure. Objectives We have developed a high-resolution connectivity model for both terrestrial and aquatic habitats using solely potential sources. The model is used here for the invasive, principally-aquatic, African clawed frog Xenopus laevis, which is a species of global concern. Methods All ponds were considered as suitable habitats for the African clawed frog. Resistance costs of lotic aquatic and terrestrial landscape features were determined through a combination of remote sensing and laboratory trials. Maximum cumulative resistance values were obtained via capture-mark-recapture surveys, and validation was performed using independently collected presence data. We applied this approach to an invasive population of the American bullfrog, Lithobates catesbeianus, in France to assess its transferability to other pond-dwelling species. Results The model revealed areas of high and low functional connectivity. It primarily identified river networks as major dispersal pathways and pinpointed areas where local connectivity could be disrupted for management purposes. Conclusion Our model predicts how the dispersal of individuals connect suitable lentic habitats, through river networks and different land use types. The approach can be applied to species of conservation concern or interest in pond ecosystems and other wetlands, including aquatic insects, birds and mammals, for which distribution data are limited or challenging to collect. It serves as a valuable tool for forecasting colonization pathways in expanding populations of both native and invasive alien species and for identifying regions suitable for preventive or adaptive control measures.
2023 |
- Chiacchio, M., D. Pellitteri-Rosa, A. Barbi, L. Corlatti, D. Rödder, K. Henle, and A. Grimm-Seyfarth. 2023. Comparative success of two sampling techniques for high-altitude alpine grassland reptiles with different temporal designs. Amphibia-Reptilia 44: 431-440. (PDF)
Monitoring of wildlife populations is essential for their conservation and requires a carefully chosen methodology. We compared survey effectiveness of reptiles using coverboards and visual encounter surveys in two study sites in the Italian Alps with similar habitats and reptile communities. The two sites shared similar methodologies, cover boards and visual encounter surveys (VES), except for the temporal approach, with one employing a long-lasting monitoring scheme and the other operating on a much shorter time-frame. Coverboards were placed two years before the beginning of the monitoring in the first site, while they were installed only for ten days and then removed each year in the second site. Similarly, VES were spread across the whole reptile activity season (May-September) in the first site, while conducted over nine consecutive days in the second site. Although the observation rate of any species was mainly associated with its relative abundance, reptiles preferred long-established coverboards and all three species present (Zootoca vivipara, Anguis veronensis and Vipera berus) were found underneath them. Only Zootoca vivipara used recently installed ones. On the other hand, short-term daily visual encounter surveys led to a much higher observation rate of Z. vivipara than those spread over the entire season. Our results suggest that coverboards may provide a valuable monitoring tool for reptiles when projects are conducted over long periods. Conversely, when only short-term assessments are possible, no real difference exists between the two methods and observation rate is more influenced by the species abundance than by the chosen method.
- Clement, V. F., J. Edanackaparampil, L. M. Schmitz, R. Schluckebier, and D. Rödder. 2023. Weather related detection probability of Lacerta agilis LINNAEUS, 1758 within the core range in Western Germany. Basic and Applied Herpetology 37: 75-94. (PDF)
Weather conditions are important factors determining the activity, and consequently detection probability, of animals. Especially in ectotherms from temperate habitats, activity can vary strongly depending on weather. The sand lizard Lacerta agilis is a wide-ranging lizard that is often subject to environmental impact assessments due to its proximity to humans and prevalence as a candidate for compensatory measures according to the Flora and Fauna Habitat Directive of the European Union. Lacerta agilis has been studied extensively at certain edges of its distribution, but studies focusing on the core range have been rare. We use Bayesian models in order to identify the best explaining weather variables out of a large variety of available variables for a population of Lacerta agilis in western Germany. We furthermore depict their interactions with an easy-to-understand regression tree model. Sand lizards have shown to be more active during dry conditions with low windspeeds. They further are best found after sunny weather with temperatures around 20°C. Rainfall in the previous 24 hours also increases the detection probability. An unpruned regression tree reaffirms the results while giving concrete variable values and exploring how the values influence each other. Overall the method delivers a decision tree based on easy to obtain weather variables that allows for post- survey analysis and for determination of the best survey conditions.
- Förderer, M., D. Rödder, and M. Langner. 2023. Gobal diversity patterns of larger benthic foraminifera under future climate change. Global Change Biology. 29: 969–981. (PDF)
Global warming threatens the viability of tropical coral reefs and associated marine calcifiers, including symbiont-bearing larger benthic foraminifera (LBF). The impacts of current climate change on LBF are debated because they were particularly diverse and abundant during past warm periods. Studies on the responses of selected LBF species to changing environmental conditions reveal varying results. Based on a comprehensive review of the scientific literature on LBF species occurrences, we applied species distribution modeling using Maxent to estimate present-day and future species richness patterns on a global scale for the time periods 2040-2050 and 2090-2100. For our future projections we focus on Representative Concentration Pathway 6.0 from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which projects mean surface temperature changes of +2.2 °C by the year 2100. Our results suggest that species richness in the Central Indo-Pacific is two to three times higher than in the Bahamian ecoregion, which we have identified as the present-day center of LBF diversity in the Atlantic. Our future predictions project a dramatic temperature-driven decline in low-latitude species richness and an increasing widening bimodal latitudinal pattern of species diversity. While the central Indo-Pacific, now the stronghold of LBF diversity, is expected to be most pushed outside of the currently realized niches of most species, refugia may be largely preserved in the Atlantic. LBF species will face large-scale non-analogous climatic conditions compared to currently realized climate space in the near future, as reflected in the extensive areas of extrapolation, particularly in the Indo-Pacific. Our study supports hypotheses that species richness and biogeographical patterns of LBF will fundamentally change under future climate conditions, possibly initiating a faunal turnover by the late 21st century.
- Ginal, P., N. Kruger, C. Wagener, L. Araspin, M. Mokhatla, J. Secondi, A. Herrel, J. Measey, and D. Rödder. 2023. More time for aliens? Performance shifts lead to increased activity time budgets propelling invasion success. Biological Invasions 25: 267–283. (PDF)
In the Grinnellian niche concept, the realized niche and potential distribution is characterized as an interplay among the fundamental niche, biotic interactions, and geographic accessibility. Climate is one of the main drivers for this concept and is essential to predict a taxon’s distribution. Mechanistic approaches can be useful tools, which use fitness-related aspects like locomotor performance and critical thermal limits to predict the potential distribution of an organism. These mechanistic approaches allow the inclusion of key ecological processes like local adaptation and can account for thermal performance traits of different life-history stages. The African Clawed Frog, Xenopus laevis, is a highly invasive species occurring on five continents. The French population is of special interest due to an ongoing expansion for 40 years and a broad base of knowledge. We hypothesize that the French population exhibits increased activity time in the invasive European range that could be devoted to fitness-relevant activity and (2) tadpoles may have less activity time available than adult frogs from the same range. We investigate how thermal performance traits translate into activity time budgets and how local adaptation and differences in the thermal responses of life-history stages may boost the European Xenopus invasion. We use a mechanistic approach based on generalized additive mixed models (GAMMs), where thermal performance curves were used to predict the hours of activity and to compare the potential activity time budgets for two life-history stages of native and invasive populations. Our results show that adult French frogs have more activity time available in Europe than those in South African frogs, which might be an advantage in searching for prey or escaping from predators. However, French tadpoles do not have more activity time in Europe compared to the native South African populations indicating that tadpoles do not suffer the same strong selective pressure as adult frogs.
- Ginal, P., J. Stahlberg, A. Rauhaus, P. Wagner, D. Rödder , and T. Ziegler. 2023. Threatened turtles and tortoises (Testudines) in zoos: a ZIMS database analysis for improved One Plan Approach to conservation actions. Salamandra 58: 262–274. (PDF)
Turtles and tortoises are one of the world’s most threatened vertebrates; more than half of the 352 currently recognised species are threatened. To implement the IUCN CPSG’s One Plan Approach to Conservation, we herein analyse the available information from the Zoological Information Management System (ZIMS) to provide an overview of the species already held in zoos. A total of 252 species (71.6%) are currently kept in ZIMS institutions, with 138 of them listed as threatened (76.7% of all threatened turtles). Additional 26 (15 threatened) species are listed in the database Zootierliste (Zoo Animal List). Zoos keep 152 (84.4%) of 180 threatened and 110 out of 150 not threatened species and show a preference for keeping threatened species. Concerning threatened turtle species, nine are represented with more than 500 individuals in zoo collections, while 25 are only kept as single individuals or in same-sex-groups. More than half of the held species are only represented in one to ten zoos. Most species are kept in North America, Europe and Asia, where most of the ZIMS institutions are located. A total of 92 (59 threatened) species (37.1 % of all zoo-kept species) were successfully bred in 140 zoos (15.8 % of 888 ZIMS-institutions keeping turtles) in the last 12 months. There already exists a tendency towards breeding threatened species. Still, zoos could improve both conservation breeding networking and establish further conservation breeding programs to create reserve populations, which would be in broad fulfilment with the IUCN’s One Plan Approach to Conservation.
- Hofmann, S., J. Schmidt, R. Masroor, L. J. Borkin, S. Litvintchuk, D. Rödder, V. Vershinin, and D. Jablonski. 2023. Endemic lineages of spiny frogs demonstrate the biogeographic importance and conservational needs of the Hindu Kush-Himalaya region. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 198: 310–325 (PDF).
The relict, endemic taxa Allopaa and Chrysopaa are key elements of the Hindu Kush–Himalayan amphibian fauna and potentially share a similar biogeographic evolution, making them important proxies for the reconstruction of the palaeoenvironmental and palaeotopographic history of the Himalaya–Tibet–Orogen. However, little is known about the taxonomy, phylogeography, genetic diversity and distribution of these taxa. We here provide new molecular data on Himalayan spiny frogs and species distribution models (SDMs) for A. hazarensis and C. sternosignata. The results reveal a better resolved phylogeny of these frogs compared to previous trees and strongly support the placement of A. hazarensis in the genus Nanorana. We further identify a so far unknown clade from the western Himalayas in Nanorana, apart from the subgroups Chaparana, Paa and the nominal Nanorana. In A. hazarensis, genetic diversity is relatively low. The results strengthen support for the recently proposed out-of-Tibet-into-the-Himalayan-exile hypothesis and a trans-Tibet dispersal of ancestral spiny frogs during the Palaeogene. Moreover, SDMs provide the first detailed distribution maps of A. hazarensis and C. sternosignata and strong evidence for distinct niche divergence among the two taxa. Our findings contribute to the knowledge about the distribution of these species and provide basic information for guiding future conservation management of them.
- Liz, A. V., D. Rödder, D. V. Gonçalves, G. Velo-Antón, M. M. Fonseca, P. Geniez, P.-A. Crochet, and J. C. Brito. 2023. Overlooked species diversity in the hyper-arid Sahara Desert unveiled by dryland-adapted lizards. Journal of Biogeography 50: 101–115. (PDF)
Aim: The biogeographic history of the Sahara-Sahel desert is tightly linked to its extreme and fluctuating paleoclimate and diverse topography. For the mesic species inhabiting the region, coastal areas and the Nile Valley are perceived as the main pathways to disperse through desert habitats, but past connections may have also occurred throughout currently isolated mountain regions. Herein, we test the trans-Sahara mountain corridor hypothesis (i.e., mesic connectivity across Central Sahara highlands) and its role in the diversification of a small terrestrial vertebrate. Location: North Africa and Arabia. Taxon: Acanthodactylus boskianus (Squamata: Lacertidae). Methods: We integrated multi-locus mitochondrial and nuclear phylogenies with species’ climate-niche modelling, including paleo-projections. Genetic analyses aimed to assess the species’ genetic structure, identify its main mitochondrial lineages and nuclear diversity, and reconstruct its ancestral biogeography. Species’ climate-niche stability was modelled independently for the Late Pleistocene-Holocene and the Plio-Pleistocene, to infer historical climatic refugia and dispersal corridors. Results: Four spatially structured mitochondrial lineages, integrating several parapatric sub-lineages, originated during the Plio-Pleistocene. Nuclear data revealed nine potential candidate species. Climatic refugia were located in mountains and desert fringes, remaining consistent for the Late Pleistocene-Holocene and the Plio-Pleistocene. Recurrent North-South climatic corridors were located along the desert periphery, while others less frequent were found across Central Sahara. Ancestral biogeography analyses recovered a recent Pleistocene colonisation of the Sahel throughout eastern Sahara and either Sahara or Sahel origin for Central Sahara populations. Main conclusions: Species’ diversification was triggered by a combination of Plio-Pleistocene climatic cycles across a complex topographic region, where mountains acted as the main diversification hotspots. The historical role of Central Sahara highlands as main non-peripheral mesic refugia was corroborated. In addition, intermittent climatic connections linked Mediterranean and Sahel ecoregions with Central Sahara refugia, suggesting the existence of alternative trans-Sahara dispersal routes to the putative coastal and Nile corridors.
- Mobaraki, A., M. Erfani, E. Abtin, J. C. Brito, W. C. Tan, T. Ziegler, and D. Rödder. 2023. Last chance to see? Iran and India as strongholds for the Marsh crocodile (Crocodylus palustris). Salamandra 59: 327–335. (PDF)
Justified predictions of future changes in species distributions are necessary for defining adequate conservation plans over space and time. The Marsh or Mugger Crocodile (Crocodylus palustris) is native to freshwater habitats of the Indian subcontinent and in southeastern Iran. Habitat loss is currently the most important threat to crocodile dispersal and persistence, and climate change will likely exert increasing pressure on populations. This study used ecological niche modelling (maximum entropy) to predict the current distribution of this species and project it to future climatic conditions. For this purpose, 380 occurrence records were used for model computation and environmental data were obtained from Worldclim 2.0. Averages of eight global circulation model outputs, assuming four IPCC6 per story lines in 2081–2100, were used as future ensembles. Furthermore, future possible anthropogenic pressure was quantified using economic growth models. Temperature Annual Range was the climatic variable with the highest contribution to the modelling. Presently, most potential suitable habitats are located in Sri Lanka, in the southeastern peninsular of India, the tropical moist forest along the west coast of India, the border region between Nepal and India, and the south coasts of Iran and Pakistan. In the future, these suitable habitats are predicted to be further fragmented and to shift farther inland. Additional threats may arise from increased human/crocodile conflicts due to human population growth. Conservation should therefore focus on those areas that remain climatically comparatively stable with a low potential of human/crocodile conflicts. Key areas are located in the northern parts of India and at the westernmost range limits of this species in Iran.
- Ngo, H. N., D. Rödder, L. Grismer, T. Q. Nguyen, M. D. Le, S. Qi, and T. Ziegler. 2023. Extraordinary diversity among allopatric species in the genus Goniurosaurus (Squamata: Eublepharidae): understanding niche evolution and the need of conservation measures. Biodiversity and Conservation 32: 1549–1571. (PDF)
Given the high degrees of adaptation to specific microhabitats and restricted-range endemism, Goniurosaurus (Tiger geckos) serves as a unique model to study the complex evolution in lizards. Using phylogenetic analyses, we estimated the first divergence date of Goniurosaurus to the Eocene (~45.3 mya). The diversification within four monophyletic species groups began in the mid-Miocene between ~13.4 and 7.7 mya and continued to at least the early Pleistocene (~2 mya). Their ancestor was predicted to originate somewhere in contiguous continental Eastern Asia, whereas the current regions in which each monophyletic Goniurosaurus species group radiated are respectively their own ancestral regions. Together with factors of altitudinal gradient and climate conditions, we reconstructed relevant niche models of Goniurosaurus including ancestral constructions. Consequently, low elevations were predicted to be the most probable ancestral state for Goniurosaurus and all its groups as well. Both climatic niche conservatism and divergence have shaped the extraordinary species richness of allopatric Chinese and Vietnamese tiger geckos. In terms of endangerment, Goniurosaurus has been considered one of the most susceptible lizard groups under severe human impacts, especially climate change. The assessments of their niche evolution can provide a science-based pre-signal of vulnerability, thereby improving the efficacy of conservation measures to safeguard species of Goniurosaurus in the future. Accordingly, almost all closely related species of Goniurosaurus in China and Vietnam were identified with a high rate of niche conservatism, which should be included in conservation priorities under potential impacts of climate change.
- Rech, I., P. Ginal, A. Rauhaus, T. Ziegler, and D. Rödder. 2023. Geckos in zoos: A global approach on distribution patterns of threatened geckos (Gekkota) in zoological institutions. Journal for Nature Conservation 75: 126467. (PDF)
According to the One Plan Approach to Conservation, proposed by the IUCN SSC Conservation Planning Specialist Group (CPSG), there is, besides in situ conservation measures, also increased need for ex situ conservation breeding of threatened taxa. To gain a better overview of the current situation, we have compiled information from the zoo databases ZIMS (Zoological Information Management System) and ZTL (Zootierliste) on the husbandry of gecko species (suborder Gekkota) worldwide. Only 9.3 % (n = 201) of the 2151 currently recognized gecko species from seven families were kept according to ZIMS, of which about 20.4 % (n = 41) were classified as threatened. Most species were kept in European, North American and Australian zoos. Many of the species were kept outside the natural distributional range hotspots of geckos. However, institutions in Oceania kept mainly native geckos. The species richness of the natural distributional ranges of zoo-kept geckos was highest in Australia, Southeast Asia, Madagascar and lowest in South America. About 38.0 % (n = 25) of zoo-kept species with a successful breeding record were threatened, and most reproductive successes of threatened species have been recorded from only one institution per species. Although Gekkota is the most species-rich group among lizards (Sauria), they are still relatively poorly represented in zoological institutions, and most of the kept species are not threatened. Zoos inside and outside the distributional range can play a key role in conservation (breeding) programs when they continue to provide their expertise and resources for the buildup of insurance colonies for threatened taxa. Preferably this is carried out in cooperation with experts and conservation centers from the species’ range countries and also in cooperation with Citizen Conservation programs.
- Regnet, R. A., P. Lukas, D. Rödder, B. Wipfler, and M. Solé. 2023. Tadpole morphological characterization of Ranitomeya variabilis (Zimmermann & Zimmermann, 1988) (Anura: Dendrobatidae), with skeleton, muscle system and inner organs. Zoomorphology 142:477–486. (PDF)
In this study, we morphologically examine larval specimens of Ranitomeya variabilis, which were breed in captivity and genetically determined to belong to the French Guiana population. We provide detailed data on the external morphology, chondrocranium, cranial muscle systems and inner organs of the tadpoles. Additionally, we provide essential characteristics for the recognition of the tadpoles of the different Ranitomeya species. The external morphology of the R. variabilis tadpoles was assessed by measurements and photographs of the specimens. Internal morphology was analyzed using µCT images, µCT-based three-dimensional reconstructions, and dissection of specimens for organ and muscle descriptions. The majority of the muscle configurations observed herein for larval specimens of R. variabilis are consistent with data presented in previous studies for larvae of other Ranitomeya species. In addition, several of the observed morphological characters are defined for different taxonomic levels within Dendrobatidae, e.g., the reduction of tectal cartilages and the insertion of the M. rectus cervicis on the third or fourth branchial arch. The absence of the anterolateral process of the ceratohyal in Ranitomeya and Dendrobates further strengthens their close relationship, in contrast to the more distantly related Epipedobates and Phyllobates where this structure is present. The absence of the M. levator arcuum branchialium I and II, the M. interhyoideus posterior and the M. diaphragmatopraecordialis might be defining traits for Ranitomeya. The specific characters observed in this study for R. variabilis, are the fusion of the superficialis and profundus portion of the musculus levator longus larvae and the absence of the parotic crista.
- Regnet, R. A., I. Rech, D. Rödder, and M. Solé. 2023. Captive breeding, embryonic and larval development of Ranitomeya variabilis (Zimmermann and Zimmermann, 1988), (Anura, Dendrobatidae). Zookeys 1172: 131–153. (PDF)
A solid basis to address the conservation challenges of amphibians requires an increased knowledge on their natural history and biology. Recent data on reproductive modes in amphibians suggest that they are much more complex and variable than previously thought but understudied. However, detailed information on the reproductive history is especially important to fill the current knowledge gaps. Following recent taxonomic changes in Ranitomeya variabilis, information about captive-breeding management, image-based measurements of total length and surface area of the silhouette for individuals from embryonic to metamorphic development, and detailed larval staging for captive-bred specimens are provided from French Guiana. The development of R. variabilis from the stage eight (Gosner 1960) through metamorphosis took 79 to 91 days (n = 6) with a survival rate of 46%. The developmental stages largely matched those of the generalized staging system of Gosner (1960), with differences in the stages when labia and teeth differentiation and atrophy of the oral apparatus occurred. Compared with other studies the total length of R. variabilis tadpoles was greater at given stages than those of R. variabilis from a Peruvian population and those of the sister species, R. amazonica. Other studies concerning growth curves based on surface area data revealed that R. variabilis tadpoles at peak size were larger than those of R. amazonica, R. imitator, R. reticulata, R. sirensis, and R. vanzolini, but smaller than R. benedicta. Our results represent the first embryonic and larval staging for R. variabilis, and detailed information is provided on their initial life phases. These data may facilitate the identification of R. variabilis tadpoles in the wild, as well helping to clarify the biogeographical distribution and taxonomic arrangement of the species. In addition, knowledge is added to the captive-breeding methodology for the species.
- Riedel, J., M. Klemm, T. Higham, L. L. Grismer, T. Ziegler, A. Russell, D. Rödder, and K. Reinhold. 2023. Variation in claw morphology among the digits of Bent-toed geckos (Cyrtodactylus: Gekkota: Gekkonidae). BMC Zoology (2023) 8:19 (PDF)
Background Ecomorphological studies of lizards have increasingly employed comparison of claw morphology among species in relation to spatial niche use. Typically, such studies focus on digit IV of the autopodia, especially the pes. Uniformity of claw morphology among digits is more often implicitly assumed than tested. Results Using four species of Cyrtodactylus, comprising two generalist and two scansorial taxa that use different substrates, we examined whether claw morphology is uniform among digits and among species. We found that, within each species, ventral claw curvature is uniform across all digits whereas there are small but insignificant differences in ventral claw length and claw depth. The claws of the pes of each species are longer and deeper than those of the corresponding digits of the manus. The claw of digit I of each species is significantly shorter and shallower on both autopodia compared to those on digits IV and V (digit I, including its claw, is idiosyncratically variable among lizards in general). Conclusions We conclude that digit IV is an adequate representative of claw form in each species and exhibits variation among species, thereby serving as an exemplar for use in studies of potential discrimination between ecomorphological types in studies of Cyrtodactylus.
- Stenger, L., A. Große Hovest, T. Q. Nguyen, C. T. Pham, A. Rauhaus, M. D. Le, D. Rödder, and T. Ziegler. 2023. Assessment of the threat status of reptile species from Vietnam – Implementation of the One Plan Approach to Conservation. Nature Conservation 53: 183–221. (PDF)
Since the world is currently in the midst of a major biodiversity crisis, scientists have assigned high conservation priority to 36 biodiversity hotspots around the world. As part of one of the leading hotspots in terms of species richness and local endemism, Vietnam is considered a country with high conservation priority. The reptile fauna of Vietnam is known for its high level of diversity and an outstanding number of endemic species. Vietnamese reptiles are highly threatened due to habitat loss and overharvesting for domestic and international trade, traditional medicine and food, making them a group of great conservation concern. As a baseline for improved reptile conservation in Vietnam, we conducted a conservation assessment of Vietnamese reptile species by evaluating data from a variety of sources. Our study results show that approximately 32.9% (n = 159) of the total reptile species (n = 484) present in Vietnam are endemic to the country, of which more than half are only known from their type locality and about one-third restricted to a particular subregion, making the species particularly vulnerable to threats. Furthermore, 33.5% (n = 53) of 158 endemic taxa included in the protected area analysis have not yet been recorded from any protected area. Among all 418 Vietnamese reptile species listed on the IUCN Red List, 17.7% (n = 74) are threatened with extinction, 46.0% (n = 34) of the total 74 threatened species are endemic to Vietnam. The fact that 135 species are either listed as DD or have not yet been evaluated by the IUCN highlights the urgency of further research. Moreover, only very few species are protected by national or international legislation, and further assessments are needed to protect reptiles of particular concern. A Zoological Information Management System (ZIMS) analysis revealed that 22.5% (n = 109) of all reptiles occurring in Vietnam and only 6.3% (n = 10) of the endemic Vietnamese reptiles are currently kept in zoos worldwide. Although 60.8% (n = 45) of the threatened reptiles (n = 74) from Vietnam are currently held in zoos, only 23.5 (n = 8) of the endemic threatened species (n = 34) are held there. Following the IUCN CPSG`s One Plan Approach to Conservation, it is therefore recommended to increase the number of threatened and endemic species in breeding stations and zoos to maintain assurance populations, suitable for restocking measures. Despite ongoing efforts in Vietnam, further conservation measures are required. We therefore also identify areas of highest reptile diversity and with the largest number of threatened species and provide a list of 50 most threatened species (10% of total species) as a guide for further research and conservation action in Vietnam.
- Tan, W. C., A. Herrel, and D. Rödder. 2023. A global analysis of habitat fragmentation research in reptiles and amphibians: What have we done so far? Biodiversity and Conservation 32: 439–468. (PDF)
Habitat change and fragmentation are the primary causes of biodiversity loss worldwide. Recent decades have seen a surge of funding, published papers and citations in the field as these threats to biodiversity continue to rise. However, how research directions and agenda are evolving in this field remains poorly understood. In this study, we examined the urrent state of research on habitat fragmentation (due to agriculture, logging, fragmentation, urbanisation and roads) pertaining to two of the most threatened vertebrate groups, reptiles and amphibians. We did so by conducting a global scale review of geographical and taxonomical trends on the habitat fragmentation types, associated sampling methods and response variables. Our analyses revealed a number of biases with existing research efforts being focused on three continents (e.g., North America, Europe and Australia) and a surplus of studies measuring species richness and abundance. However, we saw a shift in research agenda towards studies utilising technological advancements including genetic and spatial data analyses. Our findings suggest important associations between sampling methods and prevalent response variables but not with the types of habitat fragmentation. These research agendas are found homogeneously distributed across all continents. Increased research investment with appropriate sampling techniques is crucial in biodiversity hotpots such as the tropics where unprecedented threats to herpetofauna exist.
2022 |
- Clement, V. F., R. Schluckebier, and D. Rödder. 2022. About lizards and unmanned aerial vehicles: Assessing home range and habitat selection in Lacerta agilis. Salamandra 58: 24-42. (PDF)
Understanding animal space use and habitat needs is a vital requirement for effective conservation and management measures. Considering the multiple instances in which landscapes are anthropogenically altered, it becomes increasingly important to understand what the spatial requirements of an animal are. However, smaller animals, like lizards, require finer-scale assessments, which cannot always be easily made. Therefore, we calculated home ranges of Lacerta agilis using data collected by radio tracking. We then studied microhabitat preference using high-resolution maps generated from photographs taken by unmanned aerial vehicles. Overall, lizards in the selected area seem to favour home ranges that include blackberry brush while avoiding high vegetation and sand. They use other structures according to individual preferences or unstudied factors. Our study portrays an efficient method with high spatial resolution to assess small-vertebrate habitat preferences, which can in turn be used in planning population-specific habitat management or compensatory measures.
- Franca, R. C., F. G. R. Franca, D. Rödder, and M. Solé. 2022. Historical collection of snakes from Brazil by herpetologist and biogeographer Paul Müller (1940–2010), deposited at the Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig, Germany. Bonn zoological Bulletin 71: 41-49. (PDF)
Natural history collections are constituted of a wide variety of biological specimens preserved around the world. They represent a continuous source of knowledge and play a fundamental role in the synthesis on the diversity, composition, distribution, and conservation of species. Paul Müller (1940–2010) was a German zoologist who collected amphibians and reptiles in Brazil between 1964 and 1976, with the aim of increasing knowledge about the Brazilian fauna and understanding the general patterns of Neotropical biogeography. We examined and re-determined all snakes found in Paul Müller’s collection, deposited at the Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig (ZFMK), and also reconstructed the itinerary of his journeys through Brazil. We identified 556 snake specimens belonging to 80 species from six families (Aniliidae, Boidae, Colubridae, Dipsadidae, Elapidae, and Viperidae). Müller collected snake specimens from all regions of Brazil, although most are from the south (76% of the species) and southeast (14% of the species). This relevant material can contribute to historical, biogeographic and conservation studies of the Brazilian snake fauna.
- Ginal, P., L. M. Schmitz, and D. Rödder. 2022. Larval description of Theloderma albopunctatum (Liu & Hu, 1962) (Anura: Rhacophoridae) from northern Vietnam, with a comparison between the North-Vietnamese and north-eastern Thai clades. Zootaxa 5214: 595–599. (PDF)
- Ginal, P., W. C. Tan, and D. Rödder. 2022. Invasive risk assessment and expansion of the realized niche of the Calotes versicolor species complex (Daudin, 1802). Frontiers of Biogeography 14.3, e54299. (PDF)
Correlative species distribution modeling (SDM) can be a useful tool to quantify a species’ realized niche and to predict its potential distribution for non-native ranges. The agamid lizard Calotes versicolor s.l. belongs to the most widely distributed reptile taxa worldwide. In the past, C. versicolor s.l. has been introduced to several countries, including regions in the Oriental, the Neotropical and the Afrotropical realms, where a strong negative impact on the local fauna is assumed. Due to the complicated taxonomy and the existence of several cryptic species, which are covered by this taxon, we used C. versicolor sensu lato and its four subtaxa (C. versicolor sensu stricto, C. irawadi, C. vultuosus, C. farooqi) as target species to (1) compute correlative SDMs for C. versicolor s.l. and its subtaxa and project them across the globe to highlight climatically suitable areas of risk for future invasion and (2) based on the ecological niche concept, we investigate if the species complex expanded its realized climatic niche during the invasion process. We use two different SDM approaches, namely n-dimensional hypervolumes and Maxent. N-dimensional hypervolumes are a non-hierarchically ranked approach, which is a useful tool to investigate the expansion in the realized niche, while Maxent, a hierarchically ranked model, is used to focus on potentially suitable areas for future invasion. We calculated two final models for C. versicolor s.l., one based on records from the native range and one based on records from the native and invaded range, as well as one model for each subtaxon. Our results show a geographic expansion into novel climatic conditions as well as an expansion in the realized niche. Our results reveal that C. versicolor s.l. is currently inhabiting 13% of its potential range but could find suitable climatic conditions on a global surface area between 14,025,100 km2 and 53,142,600 km2. Our predictions reveal large areas of highly suitable climatic conditions for the Oriental, Australian, Afrotropical and Neotropical realms, whereas only small regions of the Palearctic and Nearctic realms provide moderately suitable conditions. Further, some localities, especially those with a high amount of human traffic like ports or airports, might act as multiplicators and might therefore be a stepping stone into further areas.
- Krizkowski, M., T. Q. Nguyen, C. T. Pham, D. Rödder, M. D. Le, and T. Ziegler. 2022. Assessment of the threat status of the amphibians in Vietnam – Implementation of the One Plan Approach. Nature Conservation 49: 77–116. (PDF)
The current decline in global biodiversity is most evident in amphibians with 41% percent of all species worldwide classified as threatened with extinction. Hence, a major challenge in amphibian conservation is the high number of threatened species, leading to a common approach of identifying priority species and regions for conservation efforts. As a part of one of 36 globally designated biodiversity hotspots, Vietnam is considered to be of particular importance for conservation action. To improve amphibian conservation in Vietnam, this study provides an updated species list and assesses their threat status by compiling data from a variety of sources. Furthermore, a Zoological Information Management System (ZIMS) analysis was conducted to determine the representation of extant amphibians from Vietnam in zoos worldwide. The batrachofauna of Vietnam is characterized by a high level of species richness and local endemism as well as a high rate of new discoveries, with more than half of the endemic species reported exclusively from their type locality, making them especially vulnerable to extinction. Up to 18% of all amphibians extant in Vietnam and 28% of endemic species are classified as threatened with extinction by the IUCN. In many cases, Around 14% of endemic amphibian species have been recorded exclusively from unprotected areas, suggesting prioritization for further research and conservation measures. The continuing decline in many species remains an unresolved problem. As a guide for future research and conservation measures, a list of the top 57 species was compiled. In addition, according to the ZIMS analysis, only 8% of threatened and 3% of endemic amphibian taxa from Vietnam are currently kept in zoos worldwide, and a richness analysis revealed that the highest density of husbandries is found in Europe and North America. To achieve maximum outcome for the conservation of threatened species, this study recommends a general shift by zoos towards maintaining species in greater need of captive assurance populations and breeding programs to support integrative strategies that combine in situ and ex situ conservation efforts following the IUCN’s One Plan Approach.
- Lammers, L., B. Marcordes, T. B. Pagel, D. Rödder, C. Scholten, and T. Ziegler. 2022. Malagasy birds in zoological gardens – an analysis of zoo databases as basis for improved ex-situ conservation measures. Der Zoologische Garten 90: 121-150. (PDF)
We investigated for which threatened endemic Malagasy bird species zoo populations already exist, and which threatened species are not yet covered by ex-situ conservation measures. To gain an overview of Malagasy bird species held in zoos, the number of individuals kept, the number of keeping institutions and successful reproduction within the last 12 months were analysed based on collection information from ZIMS database (Species360, Bloomington, MN, USA), supplemented with data from ZTL (List of Zoo Animals: Of the 195 Malagasy bird species, 142 occur exclusively in the Malagasy region, comprising Madagascar and surrounding islands, and 117 are endemic to Madagascar. Currently, 28 (24%) of the endemic Malagasy bird species are evaluated as threatened, of which two are Critically Endangered, 11 Endangered and 15 Vulnerable according to IUCN. A total of 131 institutions worldwide kept at least one of the 15 endemic Malagasy bird species held. Three of the fifteen endemic Malagasy bird species held are threatened, of which one is Critically Endangered and two are Endangered according to IUCN. Thus, according to our analysis 25 (89%) of the 28 threatened endemic Malagasy bird species are not covered by ex situ populations. According to ZIMS database, a total of eight of the fifteen endemic Malagasy bird species kept in zoos worldwide had successfully reproduced within the last 12 months, with three of them being threatened. A richness analysis, which was performed to find out how zoos keeping Malagasy birds are distributed in a global scale, revealed that current zoo collections of threatened endemic Malagasy bird species are mainly concentrated in Europe and North America. A protected area coverage analysis, viz. a comparison of the distribution of protected areas with localities of endemic and threatened endemic species, showed that the existing protected area system does not provide enough coverage for several threatened endemic species. We have made recommendations for the shift from non-threatened species such as Bubulcus ibis to threatened species such as Ardeolaidae. Species from endemic families should be the focus of new ex-situ husbandry and the keeping of Critically Endangered species should be included (e.g., Haliaeetus vociferoides) or expanded (e.g., Aythya innotata). For these species, experience from past husbandry, both positive and negative, or experience from the keeping of closely related species is available. Our findings thus can be used as a guideline to improve zoo collections and to expand the conservation breeding network for threatened endemic Malagasy birds which is in accordance with the One Plan Approach proposed by the IUCN SSC Conservation Planning Specialist Group (CPSG).
- .Liz, A. V., D. V. Gonçalves, G. Velo-Antón, J. C. Brito, P.-A. Crochet and Rödder, D. 2022. Adapt biodiversity targets to climate change. Science 376: 589-590. (PDF)
- Ngo, H. N., H. Q. Nguyen, T. Q. Phan, D. Rödder, L. R. Gewiss, T. Q. Nguyen, and T. Ziegler. 2022. First ecological assessment of the endangered Lichtenfelder’s Tiger Gecko (Goniurosaurus lichtenfelderi) from northern Vietnam: Micro-habitat and macro-climatic niche comparison between island and mainland populations. Amphibia-Reptilia 43, 77-91. (PDF)
The Lichtenfelder’s Tiger Gecko, Goniurosaurus lichtenfelderi is currently known only from northern Vietnam and southern China. Because of its restricted distribution, the species is potentially threatened by extinction due to anthropogenic impacts. Recently, the species has been listed in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species as “Vulnerable” and included in CITES Appendix II and the Vietnam Governmental Decree – Group IIB. However, conservation activities to safeguard wild populations of G. lichtenfelderi have not yet been implemented due to a lack of detailed information about the population status and its ecological requirements. In this study, the micro-habitat use of G. lichtenfelderi was assessed. As a result of our field surveys, we found this species in evergreen forest areas with a high percentage of vegetation coverage and in close proximity to medium or small stream sections with rocky shelters on granitic formations. Canopy coverage, three microclimatic variables (air, substrate temperature and humidity), weather condition and substrate type were the most important characteristics explaining the variation in the micro-habitat use of G. lichtenfelderi. Coupled with a macro-ecological (climate niche) approach, the complex niches of G. lichtenfelderi were defined by comparing them between two geographically distant populations in island and mainland sites. We found high similarities in macro-climatic and micro-habitat niches between the island and mainland populations of G. lichtenfelderi. Based on the ecological information, we recommend conservation actions to protect the core refugia of G. lichtenfelderi and reduce negative influences of anthropogenic impacts on wild populations in the future.
- Ngo, H. N., H. Q. Nguyen, T. Q. Phan, T. Q. Nguyen, L. R. Gewiss, D. Rödder, and T. Ziegler. 2022. Modeling the environmental refugia of the endangered Lichtenfelder’s Tiger Gecko (Goniurosaurus lichtenfelderi) towards implementation of transboundary conservation. Frontiers of Biogeography 14.1, e51167. (PDF)
Climate change has potential effects on global biodiversity by shifting the optimal distribution of terrestrial organisms, particularly species with narrow distributions. Goniurosaurus lichtenfelderi, a forest-dwelling lizard, is found on both the island and mainland sites of northern Vietnam and southern China. The species is categorized as Vulnerable in the IUCN Red List and was recently listed in CITES Appendix II and the Vietnam Government’s Decree 06 in 2019 due to severe anthropogenic impacts on its populations. In this study, we employ Maxent species distribution modeling with climatic and vegetation cover data to identify the potential distribution of G. lichtenfelderi. We also used this approach to assess future climate impacts on the potential distribution under different climate change scenarios. Our model predicts that the potential distribution of G. lichtenfelderi will shrink significantly under future scenarios and even vanish in the entire study area under novel environmental conditions of the BCC-CSM 1-1 – RCP 8.5 scenario by the 2070s. Overall, the current potential distribution is expected to shift towards higher latitudes within the next decades. The forecasted maps provide useful guidelines to implement conservation strategies to mitigate synergistic impacts from climate change and other negative anthropogenic activities. In the context of the potentially severe impacts, the border areas between China and Vietnam, Yen Tu Mountain Range, Bai Tu Long National Park, and their surroundings should be considered core refugia for the species, where conservation measures need to be prioritized in the future.
- Ngo, H. N., H. Q. Nguyen, H. M. Tran, T. Q. Phan, T. T. Tung, L. R. Gewiss, D. Rödder, T. Q. Nguyen, and T. Ziegler, 2022. Living under the risk of extinction: population status and conservation needs assessment of a micro–endemic tiger gecko in Vietnam. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 45.2, 175-188. (PDF)
Living under the risk of extinction: population status and conservation needs assessment of a micro–endemic tiger gecko in Vietnam. Human impact is considered the major threat to the global decline of biodiversity, especially for threatened endemic species in karst ecosystems. Studies assessing a species’ demography based on temporal and spatial indicators of population size, density and structure are expected to evaluate the level of impact of threats and are therefore becoming increasingly important for species conservation efforts. Goniurosaurus huuliensis, an endemic species in Vietnam, is one of the most threatened reptiles in the world. This karst–adapted species is classified by the IUCN Red List as Critically Endangered and listed under CITES Appendix II due to habitat loss and over–exploitation for the international pet trade. Here we provide the first evaluation of the population status of G. huuliensis. We applied a ‘capture mark–recapture’ method to estimate the population size and identify the population density and structure. The total population size was estimated to comprise a maximum of 1,447 individuals in integrated suitable habitats, possibly reaching up to 2,855 individuals exclusively in karst habitats within the total extension of occurrence. This is exceedingly lower than the threshold for a minimum viable population. Furthermore, G. huuliensis is documented to occur in extremely small mean population densities of only 6.4 indiv./km and 2.5 indiv./km/day along the surveyed transects. Based on the demographic information, the ongoing severe human impact (e.g. wildlife exploitation and limestone quarrying) is driving G. huuliensis to the brink of extinction. In situ conservation measures are therefore urgently required. We recommend that in-situ actions should be increased, and a plan should be developed to establish a species and habitat conservation area for G. huuliensis.
- Prieto-Ramírez, A. M., D. Rödder, and K. Henle. 2022. Effects of habitat loss on tick load in central populations of the eastern green lizard Lacerta viridis and its relationship with body condition and population density. Salamandra 58: 263-274. (PDF)
Habitat loss can increase the susceptibility of individuals to parasitic infections, and hence, parasite load can serve as an early warning indicator of stress before the persistence of a population becomes threatened. In this study, we tested the effects of patch characteristics, isolation and landscape composition resulting from habitat loss on the tick load of individuals from central populations of the Eastern Green Lizard Lacerta viridis. We identified the spatial scale at which each landscape composition parameter has the strongest effect and evaluated its effects at this scale. Additionally, we tested the relationships between tick load and population density and body condition (BC) to understand possible mechanisms that determine tick loads in populations. We found that tick load was not affected by host population density. BC was not found to be affected by tick load, but BC did have a negative effect on lizards’ tick loads. The proportion of habitat and cropland in the landscape and patch size had positive effects on tick loads, whereas the proportion of urbanized areas, isolation and perimeter/area ratio had negative effects. We discuss our finding in the context of how the landscape can affect tick populations and other potential hosts. We conclude that tick load can be a suitable early warning indicator of negative effects of habitat loss, reflecting the susceptibility of lizards to infestation. We suggest that this indicator be included in monitoring programs aiming at evaluating the status of populations of L. viridis in modified landscapes, and recommend that conservation measures be focused on the protection of habitat at broader scales to compensate negative effects of cropland and urbanized areas occurring at small scales.
- Regnet, R. A., F. M. Quintela, D. Rödder, and D. Loebmann. 2022. Attributes of the population structure and ventral polychromatism of Helicops infrataeniatus Jan, 1865 (Serpentes, Dipsadidae) in subtropical Brazil. North-Western Journal of Zoology 18: 161-167. (PDF)
Many ecological questions can be answered only with data from hundreds or even thousands of individuals. In some taxonomic groups, such as snakes, the availability of those data is rare due to low population densities and/or the difficulties in collecting them. Hence, studies on the population structure of snakes are still relatively scarce compared to other zoological groups. In this study, we had the opportunity to analyze the population structure from an unusually large sample of the Pampean water snake Helicops infrataeniatus. The specimens were collected through a flood event caused by excessive rainfall related to an El Niño period in southern Brazil. Although H. infrataeniatus is a common species in the study area, no ecological data regarding its population structure are available so far. Therefore, the main goals of this study were to (1) determine sex ratios, (2) test for sexual dimorphism, and (3) identify the ventral polymorphism in this population. We analyzed 672 individuals (46.4% females, 53.6% males; 50.2% were classified as adults, 48.6% juveniles, and 1.3% hatchlings). The total body length (ToL) ranged from 18.4–77.4 cm for females, and 19.7–67.0 cm for males, tail length (TaL) was 4.5–21.9 cm and 5.8–21.5 cm; sub-caudal scales were 55–73, 74–92, and weight was 2.2–191.0 g, 2.3–93.3 g. Highly significant differences were detected in the number of sub-caudal scales and the TaL:ToL ratios between females vs. males tested via analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), suggesting the presence of sexual dimorphism. Regarding the ventral spotting patterns, 38.0% of individuals had trilinear, 36.0% – intermediate, and 26.0% – checkered color patterns. Besides this, 63.0% of the individuals had a reddish ventral coloration, 25.0% – yellowish, and 12.0% – both colors. No correlation was found between ventral polymorphism and sex or age class. The results presented herein offer the first robust snapshot of the population structure of H. infrataeniatus.
- Schmitz, L. M., V. F. Clement, P. Ginal, and D. Rödder. 2022. Spatiotemporal patterns of habitat use by the sand lizard (Lacerta agilis Linnaeus, 1758): Effects of climatic seasonality? Salamandra 58: 302-316. (PDF)
The distribution and occurrence of a species in its habitat are inevitably linked to its ecology. To successfully monitor and protect species, it is important to investigate which species-specific factors influence its interactions with the environment. In this study, we focus on patterns in habitat use of the Sand Lizard (Lacerta agilis). Differences in seasonal, as well as sex and size class-dependent habitat use, have been reported from the edges of this species’ range. To verify such trends in the core area of its distribution, we analyzed the habitat factors weather, microclimate, microhabitat structures, and time dependence, which may have an impact on the use of space of the Sand Lizard. Using generalized linear models, hypervolumes, density estimations, and Chi-squared tests, we found that the movement patterns of individuals can neither be described by time differences, climatic conditions, or habitat composition nor do they show habitat- or weather-related differences of movement between sexes or size. Here we demonstrate that in the case of a population from the core of this species’ distribution area in the Dellbrücker Heide (Germany), habitat use is solely influenced to a low degree by differences related to the ontogeny of Sand Lizards and does not depend on any of the other evaluated factors. These results are in enormous contrast to findings in populations from the periphery of their distribution, i.e., the United Kingdom, Latvia, Romania, Bulgaria, and the Pyrenees. This implies that seasonal habitat shifts are more extreme at the edges of the range of L. agilis, serving to compensate deteriorating habitat conditions in the periphery.
- Tan, W. C., P. Ginal, A. G. J. Rhodin, J. B. Iverson, and D. Rödder. 2022. A present and future assessment of the effectiveness of existing reserves in preserving three critically endangered freshwater turtles in Southeast Asia and South Asia. Frontiers of Biogeography 2021, 14.1, e50928. (PDF)
Tortoises and freshwater turtles are among the most threatened taxa of vertebrates in the world due to consumption, urban development, agriculture, and land and water pollution. About 50% of the currently recognised chelonian species are considered threatened with extinction according to the IUCN Red List. Asia is an epicentre for the turtle and tortoise extinction crisis, containing the highest diversity of threatened species. In thisstudy, we used species distributionmodels(SDMs) to assessthe effectiveness of existing protected areas across Southeast and South Asia for the conservation of three large critically endangered freshwater turtles (Batagur borneoensis, B. affinis, and Pelochelys cantorii).Wederived the models based on selected bioclimatic variables at the sites of known species records. Our SDMs showed that Indonesia is of particular importance in prioritising conservation forthese three species, containing the largest areas of suitable habitat within protected areas. However, when considering water surface coverage, Thailand has the highest proportion ofsuitable areas under protection. Our results suggest that the present cover of protected network reserves seems inadequate in terms of size and should be expanded to sustain populations of the three target species. Therefore, we identified priority areas and reserves critical forfurther field surveysto guide the potential discovery of novel populations. To investigate the effect of climate change, we also projected potential distributions onto ensembles of four IPCC story lines. As a result, we found larger extralimital areas of suitable environmentfor allthree species, particularly northwards and inland. However, high degrees of uncertainty in climate conditions indicate few reserves may provide long term protection. Lastly, we review the threats and propose recommendations for conservation ofthese poorly known freshwater turtles.
- Ziegler, T., J. Kamphausen, F. Glaw, A. Crottini, G. Garcia, D. Rödder, A. Rauhaus, L. Stenger, and A. Wahle. 2022. Threatened Malagasy amphibians and reptiles in zoos – a call for enhanced implementation of the IUCN’s One Plan Approach. Der Zoologische Garten 90, 21-69 (PDF).
Madagascar is home to 370 native amphibian and 420 native reptile species with an extraordinary high endemism rate of approx. 98%. Less than half (39%) of Madagascar’s amphibian and less than a third (32%) of Madagascar’s reptile species are currently evaluated as threatened by the IUCN (2021). We investigated for which threatened endemic Malagasy amphibian and reptile species ex situ populations in zoological institutions already exist, and which threatened species are not yet covered by ex-situ conservation measures. We thus have surveyed species kept in zoological institutions, analysed the number of species held, the number of individuals per species, the number of zoos keeping a species, and those with breeding success in the past 12 months by retrieving data from the Zoological Information Management System (ZIMS, 2021). These data were supplemented with data from the European database Zootierliste (ZTL). In addition, a richness analysis was performed to find out how zoos keeping Malagasy amphibian and reptile species are distributed at a global scale. According to our analysis of ZIMS data, only 36 endemic Malagasy amphibian species (9.7%) (37 if considering data from ZTL database) are globally kept in zoos. Ten of them are threatened, which amounts to only 6.9% of the 145 endemic and threatened Malagasy amphibian species. As such, it is likely that more than 93% of the threatened endemic Malagasy amphibian species (135) currently do not benefit of any ex situ conservation component. Our analysis revealed that there is a higher percentage on Malagasy reptile species kept in zoos in comparison to amphibians. Considering both, ZIMS and ZTL analyses, 97 endemic Malagasy reptile species (23%) are globally kept, 27 of which are threatened, which amounts to 20% of the 133 endemic Malagasy reptile species that are threatened. This implies that 80% of the threatened endemic reptile species (106) from Madagascar currently have no ex-situ conservation component at the time of this survey. Of the 36 endemic Malagasy amphibian species and the 87 endemic reptile species kept in ZIMS zoos worldwide, only eleven amphibian species (30.5%) and 34 reptile species (39%) have reproduced within the last 12 months. Finally, only four (36%) of the bred amphibian species are threatened taxa, and of the reptile species bred, only thirteen (38%) are threatened. Only zoos in Europe and North America are currently playing a major role in keeping Malagasy herpetofauna. To optimise management and conservation efforts in zoos, refocusing on threatened and micro-endemic species, and reviewing their stocks accordingly is highly recommended. In-country ex-situ approaches have already been started for amphibians and reptiles. However, extension of insurance populations among various institutions abroad should be seen as an essential contribution to be better prepared for catastrophic events potentially affecting local facilities or natural populations. Together such a strategy complies with the One Plan Approach proposed by the IUCN SSC Conservation Breeding Specialist Group (CBSG), viz. the development of management strategies and conservation actions by all responsible parties for all populations of a species, whether inside or outside their natural range. With this analysis we aim to provide a basis for improved ex-situ conservation breeding measures and develop a conservation breeding network for the threatened endemic species of the Malagasy herpetofauna.
2021 |
- Amiri, N., S. Veisi, F. Aghamir, R. Saberi-Pirooz, D. Rödder, E. Ebrahimi, and F. Ahmadzadeh. 2021. Tracking climate change in the spatial distribution pattern and the phylogeographic structure of Hyrcanian wood frog, Rana pseudodalmatina (Anura: Ranidae). Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 59: 1604-1619. (PDF)
Climate change has essential effects on patterns of population persistence, connectivity, and divergence. We used mtDNA sequences and species distribution modeling to assess the impact of climatic changes in the past (Last Glacial Maximum [LGM: 21 Kya] and Mid-Holocene [6 Kya]), recent (1970–2000), and future (2070) on the phylogeography and spatial distribution of populations of the Hyrcanian wood frog, Rana pseudodalmatina, in northern Iran. Based on two mitochondrial genes (cytochrome b and 16S ribosomal RNA), we found evidence for two regional patterns that diverged in the Pleistocene (1.6 Mya) and are distributed in the eastern and western sections of the current species range. Biogeographic analyses support the hypothesis that both vicariance (an increase in the Caspian Sea water levels) and dispersal events have been involved in shaping the species’ genetic structure. Reconstruction of the ancestral distribution of R. pseudodalmatina suggests the species’ range contracted in two independent eastern and western glacial refugia during the LGM, expanding from the Mid-Holocene to the present to occupy Hyrcanian forests continuously. According to future climate projections, the species’ range shows a tendency to shift to higher altitudes. Landscape connectivity analyses support higher population continuity in the central part of the current range, with isolated populations in the easternmost and westernmost extremes. Our integrative study of R. pseudodalmatina provides support for the “refugia-within-refugia” scenario in the Hyrcanian forests.
- Clement, V. F., and D. Rödder. 2021. Playing favourites – a review and discussion on the allocation of vertebrate orders and foci in home range and habitat selection studies. North-Western Journal of Zoology 17: 134-148. (PDF)
Home range and habitat selection are key subjects when studying animal ecology. Defining the space use and resource management of an animal establishes a solid basis for further behavioural and ecological research, as well as conservation management. Studies focusing on determining home range and habitat selection often include further questions regarding for example conservation, animal movement, population dynamics, and inter- or intraspecific interactions. It is therefore unsurprising that home range and habitat selection have been the focus of numerous studies on different vertebrate taxa over the years. We have reviewed 903 publications, on all extant vertebrate clades focusing on these topics from 1980 to the first quarter of 2018. We have observed that allocation of vertebrate orders are independent of species richness, relatedness, and portion of threatened species within the order. We have highlighted the relationship between publication numbers and species richness and offer ideas for future research in proposing possible causes for the observed allocation and in highlighting understudied clades. Furthermore, we have observed that topics often studied in concordance with home range and habitat selection are conservation and human influence, intraspecific differences, and home range shifts/exploratory behaviour. Meanwhile, topics like population density, reproductive behaviour, territoriality/aggressive behaviour, and interspecific interactions seem to be less studied. This review highlights and discusses the current distribution of focal points in studies concerning home range and habitat use while identifying less studied fields and taxa – thereby emphasizing potential opportunities for further research.
- Ginal P., L. E. Mühlenbein, and D. Rödder. 2021. The advertisement calls of Theloderma corticale (Boulenger, 1903), T. albopunctatum (Liu & Hu, 1962) and T. licin McLeod & Ahmad, 2007 (Anura: Rhacophoridae). North-Western Journal of Zoology 17: 65-72. (PDF)
Based on the species specificity of anuran vocalization, bioacoustics can be utilized in terms of species identification and species delimitation. The genus Theloderma comprises 23 to 29 species, depending on inclusion of the (sub)genera Nyctixalus and Stelladerma, from which the majority of 14 species was described in this century. In spite of numerous publications about species descriptions and phylogenetics, studies about life history traits, particularly about advertisement calls, are lacking for the most species. In this study, acoustic signals of the mossy or bug-eyed frogs Theloderma corticale, T. albopunctatum and T. licin were recorded, and detailed temporal and spectral advertisement call properties are presented and compared to other congenerics (T. auratum, T. stellatum, T. vietnamense). We found that the advertisement calls of the six herein compared species are species-specific and are significantly distinguishable from each other. While the temporal features (i.e. arrangement in call groups, note repetition rate) are species-specific call properties, the spectral features (i.e. dominant frequency) can partially overlap among the small-sized species.
- Ginal, P., M. Mokhatla, N. Kruger, J. Secondi, A. Herrel, J. Measey, and D. Rödder. 2021. Ecophysiological models for global invaders: Is Europe a big playground for the African clawed frog? Journal of Experimental Zoology – Part A: Ecological and Integrative Physiology 2020: 158-172. (PDF)
One principle threat prompting the worldwide decline of amphibians is the introduction of nonindigenous amphibians. The African Clawed Frog, Xenopus laevis, is now one of the widest distributed amphibians occurring on four continents with ongoing range expansion including large parts of Europe. Species distribution models (SDMs) are essential tools to predict the invasive risk of these species. Previous efforts have focused on correlative approaches but these can be vulnerable to extrapolation errors when projecting species’ distributions in nonnative ranges. Recent developments emphasise more robust process‐based models, which use physiological data like critical thermal limits and performance, or hybrid models using both approaches. Previous correlative SDMs predict different patterns in the potential future distribution of X. laevis in Europe, but it is likely that these models do not assess its full invasive potential. Based on physiological performance trials, we calculate size and temperature‐dependent response surfaces, which are scaled to geographic performance layers matching the critical thermal limits. We then use these ecophysiological performance layers in a standard correlative SDM framework to predict the potential distribution in southern Africa and Europe. Physiological performance traits (standard metabolic rate and endurance time of adult frogs) are the main drivers for the predicted distribution, while the locomotor performance (maximum velocity and distance moved in 200 ms) of adults and tadpoles have low contributions.
- Ginal, P. C.-H. Loske, T. Hörren and D. Rödder. 2021. Cave salamanders (Speleomantes spp.) in Germany: tentative species identification, estimation of population size and first insights into an introduced salamander. Herpetology Notes 14: 815-822. (PDF)
The pathways of introduction of non-native amphibians are diverse, as historically amphibians were used as pest control agents, food stock, or were introduced to perform research. Today, the pet trade is the main source for amphibian introductions into novel ranges. However, these introductions mainly concern anurans, whereas cases involving urodeles are less common. Since 2013, a population of European cave salamanders, Speleomantes spp. Dubois, 1984, is known to be present in Germany. However, knowledge on the size of this population is missing, and it is unknown to which of the similar-looking species of Speleomantes it belongs. Here, we applied loglinear capture-recapture models to estimate population size, and used a recently published photographic database, including more than 1000 images of all eight Speleomantes species, to determine the species identity of the German population. According to our estimates, the population consists of 170 to 485 individuals (±134 to 320). Based on colour pattern the population most likely belongs to S. italicus (Dunn, 1923). We additionally provide the first evidence for reproduction and give further insights into this non-native salamander population.
- Ginal, P., F. D. Moreira, R. Marques, R. Rebelo, and D. Rödder. 2021. Predicting terrestrial dispersal corridors of the invasive African clawed frog Xenopus laevis in Portugal. NeoBiota 64: 103–118. (PDF)
Invasive species, such as the mainly aquatic African clawed frog Xenopus laevis, are a main threat to global biodiversity. The identification of dispersal corridors is necessary to restrict further expansion of these species and help to elaborate management plans for their control and eradication. Here we use remote sensing derived resistance surfaces, based on the normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) and the normalised difference water index (NDWI) accounting for behavioural and physiological dispersal limitations of the species, in combination with elevation layers, to determine fine scale dispersal patterns of invasive populations of X. laevis in Portugal, where the frog had established populations in two rivers. We reconstruct past dispersal routes between these two invaded rivers and highlight high risk areas for future expansion. Our models suggest terrestrial dispersal corridors that connect both invaded rivers and identify artificial water bodies as stepping stones for overland movement of X. laevis. Additionally, we found several potential stepping stones into novel areas and provide concrete information for invasive species management.
- Habel, J. C., C. Zamora, D. Rödder, M. Teucher, I. Cuadros-Casanova, and C. Fischer 2021. Using indicator species to detect high quality habitats in an East African forest biodiversity hotspot. Biodiversity and Conservation 30: 903–915. (PDF)
Species demanding specifc habitat requirements sufer, particularly under environmental changes. The smallest owl of Africa, the Sokoke Scops Owl (Otus ireneae), occurs exclusively in East African coastal forests. To understand the movement behaviour and habitat demands of O. ireneae, we combined data from radio-tracking and remote sensing to calculate Species Distribution Models across the Arabuko Sokoke forest in southern Kenya. Based on these data, we estimated the local population size and projected the distribution of current suitable habitats. We found that the species occurs only in Cynometra woodland with large old trees and dense vegetation. Based on home range sizes and the distribution of suitable forest habitats, the local population size was estimated at<400 pairs. Ongoing selective logging of hard-wood trees and the production of charcoal are reducing habitat quality of which will reduce the low numbers of O. ireneae, and of other specialist forest species, even further. Due to their close connection with intact Cynometra forest, O. ireneae is an excellent indicator of intact forest remnants. In addition, this species is a suitable fagship for the promotion and conservation of the last remaining coastal forests of East Africa.
- Ihlow, F., U. Fritz, P. Mikulíček, and D. Rödder. 2021. Reconstructions of the past distribution of Testudo graeca mitochondrial lineages in the Middle East and Transcaucasia support multiple refugia since the Last Glacial Maximum: A response to Turkozan et al. (2021). The Herpetological Journal 31: 201-203. (PDF)
- Joel, A.-C., J. R. N. Linde, P. Comanns, C. Emonts, M. Weissbach, M. Flecks, and D. Rödder. 2021. Phylogenetic and morpholgical influences on habitat choice in moisture harvesting horned lizards (Phrynosoma spp.). Ecology and Evolution 11: 14146–14161. (PDF)
In previous studies, the superhydrophilic skin of moisture-harvesting lizards has been linked to the morphological traits of the lizards’ integument, that is, the occurrence of honeycomb-shaped microstructures. Interestingly, these structures can also cover the skin of lizards inhabiting wet habitats. We therefore tested the influence of the microstructures’ main features on the habitat choice and wettability in the genus Phrynosoma. The genus Phrynosoma comprises moisture-harvesting species as well as nonspecialists. Lizards of this genus inhabit large areas of North America with diverse climatic conditions. Remarkably, the differences in the manifestation of microstructures are just as versatile as their surroundings. The phylogeny of the lizards as well as the depth of their ventral microstructures, though independent of each other, correlated with the precipitation in their respective habitat. All other morphological traits, as well as the skin’s wettability itself, could not predict the habitat of Phrynosoma species. Hence, it is unlikely that the microstructure influences the wettability, at least directly. Hence, we presume an indirect influence for the following reasons: (a) As the ventral side cannot get wet by rain, but the belly could easily interact with a wet surface, the microstructure might facilitate water absorption from wet soil following precipitation. (b) We found the number of dorsal microstructures to be linked to the occurrence of silt in the habitat. In our study, we observed scales being heavily contaminated, most likely with a mixture of dead skin (after shedding) and silt. As many lizards burrow themselves or even shovel sand onto their backs, deploying the substrate might be a mechanism to increase the skin’s wettability.
- Liz, A. V., D. Rödder, D. V. Gonçalves, G. Velo-Antón, M. M. Fonseca, P. Geniez, P.-A. Crochet, and J. C. Brito. 2021. The role of Sahara highlands in the diversification and desert colonisation of the Bosc’s fringe-toed lizard. Journal of Biogeography 48: 2891–2906. (PDF)
Aim: The biogeographic history of the Sahara-Sahel desert is tightly linked to its extreme and fluctuating palaeoclimate and diverse topography. For the mesic species inhabiting the region, coastal areas and the Nile Valley are perceived as the main pathways to disperse through desert habitats, but past connections may have also occurred throughout currently isolated mountain regions. Herein, we test the trans-Sahara mountain corridor hypothesis (i.e., mesic connectivity across Central Sahara highlands) and its role in the diversification of a small terrestrial vertebrate.Location: North Africa and Arabia.Taxon: Acanthodactylus boskianus (Squamata: Lacertidae).Methods: We integrated multi-locus mitochondrial and nuclear phylogenies with species’ climate-niche modelling, including palaeo-projections. Genetic analyses aimed to assess the species’ genetic structure, identify its main mitochondrial lineages and nuclear diversity, and reconstruct its ancestral biogeography. Species’ climate-niche stability was modelled independently for the Late Pleistocene-Holocene and the PlioPleistocene, to infer historical climatic refugia and dispersal corridors.Results: Four spatially structured mitochondrial lineages, integrating several parapatric sub-lineages, originated during the Plio-Pleistocene. Nuclear data revealed nine potential candidate species. Climatic refugia were located in mountains and desert fringes, remaining consistent for the Late Pleistocene-Holocene and the Plio-Pleistocene.Recurrent North-South climatic corridors were located along the desert periphery, while others less frequent were found across Central Sahara. Ancestral biogeography analyses recovered a recent Pleistocene colonization of the Sahel throughout eastern Sahara and either Sahara or Sahel origin for Central Sahara populations. Main conclusions: Species’ diversification was triggered by a combination of PlioPleistocene climatic cycles across a complex topographic region, where mountains acted as the main diversification hotspots. The historical role of Central Sahara highlands as main non-peripheral mesic refugia was corroborated. In addition, intermittent climatic connections linked Mediterranean and Sahel ecoregions with Central Sahara refugia, suggesting the existence of alternative trans-Sahara dispersal routes to the putative coastal and Nile corridors.
- Ngo, H. N., H. Q. Nguyen, T. Q. Phan, H. T. Minh, T. Q. Nguyen, T. Ziegler, and D. Rödder. 2021. Vulnerability of an endemic Tiger Gecko (Goniurosaurus huuliensis) to climate change: modeling environmental refugia and implications for in-situ conservation. Salamandra 57: 464-474. (PDF)
Detailed information on potentially suitable habitats and forecasted alterations thereof under climate change scenarios are critical for the conservation planning of endangered taxa, in particular those with small distribution ranges. The Huu Lien Tiger Gecko, Goniurosaurus huuliensis, is a is a micro-endemic species in northern Vietnam. The species is listed in the IUCN Red List as Critically Endangered and in CITES Appendix II due to habitat loss and overexploitation for the international pet trade. Climate change has been globally acknowledged to impact on many species and it likely has negative influences on G. huuliensis. In this study, an ensemble modeling technique is employed, trained with climate and vegetation cover conditions, to identify the contemporary potential distribution of this species and assess its alterations under different climate change scenarios. Our predictions suggest that the current potential distribution of G. huuliensis mostly covers the known sites of occurrence and their surroundings. These areas will narrow significantly and/or shift towards higher latitudes under novel climate conditions as can be expected according to future IPCC scenarios. To safeguard in-situ populations of G. huuliensis in the context of the potentially severe impacts, we provide a core refugia map that identifies key regions for priority conservation measures, including Lang Son Province and small sites in Bac Giang and Thai Nguyen Provinces, northern Vietnam. We highly recommend that the Huu Lien Nature Reserve be selected as a “centre” to kick-off conservation actions for the target species.
- Rödder, D., T. Schmitt. P. Gros, W. Ulrich, and J. C. Habel. 2021. Climate change drives mountain butterflies towards the summits. Scientific Reports 11, 14382 (2021). (PDF)
Climate change impacts biodiversity and is driving range shifts of species and populations across the globe. To understand the effects of climate warming on biota, long-term observations of the occurrence of species and detailed knowledge on their ecology and life-history is crucial. Mountain species particularly suffer under climate warming and often respond to environmental changes by altitudinal range shifts. We assessed long-term distribution trends of mountain butterflies across the eastern Alps and calculated species’ specific annual range shifts based on field observations and species distribution models, counterbalancing the potential drawbacks of both approaches. We also compiled details on the ecology, behavior and life-history, and the climate niche of each species assessed. We found that the highest altitudinal maxima were observed recently in the majority of cases, while the lowest altitudes of observations were recorded before 1980. Mobile and generalist species with a broad ecological amplitude tended to move uphill more than specialist and sedentary species. As main drivers, we identified climatic conditions and topographic variables, such as insolation and solar irradiation. This study provides important evidence for responses of high mountain taxa to rapid climate change. Our study underlines the advantage of combining historical surveys and museum collection data with cutting-edge analyses.
- Taylor, E. N., L. M. Diele-Viegas, E. J. Gangloff, J. M. Hall, B. Halpern, M. D. Massey, D. Rödder, et al. 2021. The thermal ecology and physiology of reptiles and amphibians: A user’s guide. Journal of Experimental Zoology – Part A: Ecological and Integrative Physiology 2020: 13-44. (PDF)
Research on the thermal ecology and physiology of free‐living organisms is accelerating as scientists and managers recognize the urgency of the global biodiversity crisis brought on by climate change. As ectotherms, temperature fundamentally affects most aspects of the lives of amphibians and reptiles, making them excellent models for studying how animals are impacted by changing temperatures. As research on this group of organisms accelerates, it is essential to maintain consistent and optimal methodology so that results can be compared across groups and over time. This review addresses the utility of reptiles and amphibians as model organisms for thermal studies by reviewing the best practices for research on their thermal ecology and physiology, and by highlighting key studies that have advanced the field with new and improved methods. We end by presenting several areas where reptiles and amphibians show great promise for further advancing our understanding of how temperature relations between organisms and their environments are impacted by global climate change.
- Wahle, A., S. Meri, D. Chapple, D. Rödder and T. Ziegler. 2021. Skinks in Zoos: A global approach on distribution patterns of threatened Scincidae in zoological institutions. Global Ecology and Conservation 30: e01800. (PDF)
To manage populations of threatened species according to the IUCN’s One Plan Approach, knowledge about both in-situ and ex-situ populations is required. To enhance the conservation of threatened skinks and to gain an overview of which skink species are kept in zoos, and thus already have an ex-situ conservation component, we analysed data from the Zoological Information Management System (ZIMS): their individual numbers, breeding success, and the number of holding institutions. We categorized species as threatened or non-threatened based on IUCN Red List assessments. Only 92 (~5%) of 1727 recognized skink species are held in ZIMS institutions worldwide, mostly in Australia, Europe, and North America. 77% of the species kept globally are classified as non-threatened and ~23% (21 species) are threatened. Only 28% of the species kept have successfully bred in the last year, mostly in one zoo each. Of these seven species were threatened. All threatened species are kept by four zoos at most, generally only in one. Half of the skink species kept are represented by less than 10 individuals. Mainly Australian skink species were kept. To improve the conservation of threatened skinks, a shift towards keeping threatened species should be considered within captive management programmes. European and North American zoos offer capacities and expertise for skink conservation but are outside skink species richness hotspots. Cooperative projects with institutions and stations in such hotspots could greatly benefit the conservation of skinks. Thus, according to the One Plan Approach, the ex-situ populations could directly contribute to in-situ protection.
2020 |
- Ahmadzadeh, F., G. Shahrokhi, R. Saberi-Pirooz, M. Oladi, W. Taati, N. A. Poyarkov, and D. Rödder. 2020. Alborz Heritage: geographic distribution and genetic Differentiation of the Iranian Paradactylodon (Amphibia: Hynobiidae). Amphibia-Reptilia 41: 519-534. (PDF)
Paradactylodon, a genus of Hynobiidae, is distributed in mountainous regions of the Middle East. This genus comprises three species, Paradactylodon mustersi (Afghanistan), Paradactylodon persicus, and Paradactylodon gorganensis (Iran). Initially, P. persicus was reported from Talysh Mountains, and afterward, P. gorganensis was described from the eastern Alborz Mountains. Although these two Iranian Paradactylodon species were distinguished based on morphological features, there are arguments about their systematic status. In this contribution, 30 samples of hynobiid salamanders were collected from Talysh and Alborz Mountains and the phylogenetic relationship between the two species was assessed using two mtDNA markers (COI and 16S). Additionally, in order to survey the potential habitat suitability for the species, Species Distribution Models (SDMs) were performed and projected on climate scenarios that reflect current and past (6 ky and 21 ky before present) conditions. Our results indicated that P. gorganensis is nested within P. persicus. Overall, both SDM and molecular analyses suggest that the Iranian Paradactylodon population was affected by the Quaternary glacial period, and according to haplotype networks, haplotype diversity was higher in the western part of the distribution range of the species. Given the low genetic distance among all samples, we suggest P. gorganensis be synonymized with P. persicus. Considering the conservational values and numerous threats that this endemic species is facing, we encourage a revision of the IUCN Red List category of the species immediately.
- Bernardes, M., M. D. Le, T. Q. Nguyen, C. T. Pham, A. V. Pham, T. T. Nguyen, D. Rödder, et al. 2020. Integrative taxonomy reveals three new taxa within the Tylototriton asperrimus complex (Caudata, Salamandridae) from Vietnam. ZooKeys 935: 121–164. (PDF)
The Tylototriton asperrimus complex from northern Vietnam is reviewed based on morphological comparisons and analysis of the mitochondrial marker NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 (ND2). Based on molecular divergences, which were revealed to be higher than in other congeners, in concert with morphological differences, two new species and one subspecies are described herein: Tylototriton pasmansi sp. nov. differs from T. asperrimus sensu stricto by 3.2 to 3.6 % genetic divergence and a combination of distinct morphological characters, such as head slightly longer than wide, distinct mid-dorsal ridge, relatively wide distance between the eyes, tips of fingers reaching the eye when foreleg is laid forward, labial and gular folds present, central belly skin with tubercles shaped like transverse wrinkles and distinct, pointy to round rib nodules. The population of T. pasmansi sp. nov. consists of two subclades, the nominotypic one occurring on the eastern side of the Da River (or Black River, including Hoa Binh and Phu Tho provinces), and another occurring on the western side (including Son La and Thanh Hoa provinces). These two subclades differ by 2.5 to 3.1 % genetic divergence and distinct morphological characters. The western subclade is herein described as Tylototriton pasmansi obsti ssp. nov., which differs from the nominotypic form by a wider head, longer and narrower snout, shorter femur length, and an overall less granulose skin, without an increased concentration of warts on the body sides. A second new species, Tylototriton sparreboomi sp. nov. is described from Lai Chau Province. It differs from T. asperrimus sensu stricto by 4.1 to 4.2 % and from Tylototriton pasmansi sp. nov. by 3.6 to 4.5 % genetic divergences as well as by a combination of distinct morphological characters, such as head longer than wide, tips of fingers reaching nostril when foreleg adpressed along head, rib nodules distinct, round and relatively enlarged, and wide distance between the eyes.
- Fathinia, B., D. Rödder, N. Rastegar-Pouyani, E. Rastegar-Pouyani, M. S. Hosseinzadeh, and S. M. Kazemi. 2020. The past, current and future habitat range of the Spider-tailed Viper, Pseudocerastes urarachnoides (Serpentes: Viperidae) in western Iran and eastern Iraq as revealed by habitat modelling. Zoology in the Middle East, DOI: 10.1080/09397140.2020.1757910 (PDF)
To date, at least 72 endemic reptilian species have reported from Iran including the Spider-tailed Viper (Pseudocerastes urarachnoides), which has a very limited, narrow distribution, and occurs in areas of western Iran and eastern Iraq. The potential distribution of Pseudocerastes urarachnoides in Iran for the present, the past (midHolocene and last glacial maximum), and the future (2100) was predicted by Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) modelling using 99 occurrence records as well as 19 environmental variables derived from climate databases. For all projected potential distributions, the principal components 1 (explained primarily by thermal variables) and 2 (explained primarily by precipitation variables) contributed more than 80% collectively in all MaxEnt models. The extreme eastern distribution range of P. urarachnoides corresponds to the western slopes of the Zagros Mountains within the Iraq territories. According to the projections, the current distribution area is smaller than in the midHolocene but larger than the last glacial maximum and three out of four scenarios of the future (2100). Future projections dramatically displace the suitable habitat, leading to a mismatch between the current and future habitat range of the Spider-tailed Viper.
- França, R. C., M. Morais, F. G. R. França, D. Rödder, and M. Solé. 2020. Snakes of the Pernambuco Endemism Center, Brazil: diversity, natural history and conservation. ZooKeys 1002: 115-158. (PDF)
The Atlantic Forest is one of the largest and richest tropical rainforests on the planet, being one of the 25 world priorities for conservation. The Atlantic Forest portion located north of the São Francisco River corresponds to the Pernambuco Endemism Center (PEC). We describe the snake composition of the PEC, providing information about the diversity, natural history and geographical distribution of the species, based on records from five scientific collections and additional information from the literature. A total of 78 species of snakes distributed in eight families was registered in the Pernambuco Endemism Center. The Caatinga is the Brazilian biome that most shares species with the PEC, followed by Cerrado. On the other hand, seven species are considered endemic of this region. Most of the snake species in the PEC have been registered in forest (94.8%), followed by “Brejos Nordestinos” (46.1%), Tabuleiros (43.5%), Restingas (14.1%) and Mangroves (5.1%). The PEC snake fauna includes mainly terrestrial species (60.2%) and cryptozoic and/or fossorial species (21.7%), but also presents a high richness of semi-arboreal and arboreal species (29.5%). Vertebrates are the main food item consumed by the species (78% of species), among the main prey are mammals, lizards, and amphibians. Most species show a strictly nocturnal activity period (50%), followed by strictly diurnal (38%). The PEC is the most degraded and least known region of the Atlantic Forest, yet it has revealed a high richness of snake species, including seven endemic species. It is emphasized that regional conservation efforts need to be intensified, because few forests in the region are formally protected, and the majority consist of small and poorly protected fragments, which means that many species in the region may be in risk of extinction.
- Herrel, A., L. Araspin, P. Padilla, J. Courant, A. Serra Martinez, R. Rebelo, F. Ihlow, T. Backeljau, M. Mokhatla, P. Ginal, D. Rödder and J. Measey. 2020. Rapid local adaptations in an invasive frog (Xenopus laevis): the importance of functional trait measurements to predict future invasions. In: SICB 2020 Annual Meeting Abstracts, vol. 60 (Supplement 1), pp. e102. Integrative and Comparative Biology.
The control and eradication of invasive species is an ever-increasing problem for wildlife management and conservation practitioners. Understanding the potential future spread of invasive species is critical to inform management decisions. One often used tool to predict future species distributions is species distribution modelling (SDM) under alternative scenarios of climate change. Although extremely relevant and insightful, most of these models suffer from two drawbacks: 1) the lack of physiological data describing the dependence of organisms on changes in temperature and hydric state; 2) they ignore any potential for adaptive differentiation of invasive populations. To test what the effect could be of these two parameters we focused on invasive populations of the invasive amphibian, Xenopus laevis. We collected data on anatomy and physiology (temperature dependence of performance traits) for animals from the source population as well as invasive populations. These data were then used to inform SDMs that predict future spread under different climate change scenarios and to test for the potential adaptive divergence of invasive populations relative to the native population in morphology and physiology. Our results show that incorporating physiological data in SDMs does provide different predictions on future distribution ranges with a much higher invasion potential than previously estimated. Furthermore, our results show rapid (less than 30 years) changes in morphology and physiology in different populations suggesting local adaptation. These results stress the importance of using biologically informed data to inform conservation practices.
- Jacken, A., D. Rödder, and T. Ziegler. 2020. Amphibians in zoos: a global approach on distribution patterns of threatened amphibians in zoological collections. International Zoo Yearbook (2020) 54: 1–19. (PDF)
In 2008, the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria and Amphibian Ark proclaimed the ‘Year of the Frog’. In the present study, based on analyses conducted in April and May 2017, the selection of amphibian species in zoos was investigated almost 10 years after that campaign. Given the huge diversity of amphibians, their representation in zoological collections was still poor, with only around 7% (540 species) of all extant amphibian species kept in zoos (76% anurans, 22% caudates and 2% caecilians). Only 10.4% of the amphibians in zoos were kept in sufficient numbers in different collections, while a further 101% were represented by a single specimen. Only 43% of the amphibian species that were recommended by the Amphibian Ark for ex situ conservation were kept in zoos. Moreover, 44.3% of the globally threatened amphibians in zoos were each held by a single zoo only. With some exceptions, reproduction success of amphibians in zoos was low and reported for only 10% of amphibian species in two or more institutions within one year. In the present study, a richness analysis provided further insights into the focus areas of amphibians in zoological collections. Large numbers of zoos in North America and Europe maintained amphibian collections of global importance, although the distribution of these institutions did not match the natural distribution of target species that were most urgently in need of ex situ rescue. Investing in conservation-breeding programmes and cooperation with local partners will help to increase the number of threatened amphibian taxa in zoos. Although the global zoo community’s response to the amphibian decline is slow, it still holds the capability to procure a shift from common to threatened taxa. By providing their expertise and facilities for the keeping and (conservation) breeding of threatened amphibian taxa, zoos can play a key role in amphibian conservation in terms of the ‘One Plan approach’.
- Klein, B., R. A. Regnet, M. Krings, and D. Rödder. 2020. Larval development and morphology of six Neotropical poison-dart frogs of the genus Ranitomeya (Anura: Dendrobatidae) based on captive-raised specimens. Bonn zoological Bulletin 69 (2): 191–223. (PDF)
Larval development is a crucial step during the ontogeny of amphibians, concomitantly it is the most sensitive life phase in this group. Due to the complex morphological, physiological and anatomical changes, in addition to their susceptibility to the environment changes, this phase is known as one of the most critical period of development as well as an obstacle in ex-situ breeding programs. Tadpole growth rates can be used to predict the effects of biotic interactions, as well as to predict the survival rate on environmental changes. The assessment of the mortality rate during this phase can be performed using a non-invasive image-based tool, programmed on the open source statistical platform R, SAISAQ (semi-automatic quantification of image-based surface area). It allows analyzing semi-automatically a sequence of standardized image files in order to quantify growth rates. However, the current literature lacks estimates of the larval growth rates for the most species of amphibians, which is also true for species of the genus Ranitomeya Bauer, 1986. Herein, we present the data of the complete larval development of Ranitomeya amazonica (Schulte, 1999), R. benedicta Brown, Twomey, Pepper & Sanchez-Rodriguez, 2008, R. imitator (Schulte, 1986), R. reticulata (Boulenger, 1884), R. sirensis (Aichinger, 1991) and R. vanzolinii (Myers, 1982), assisted by photographs, drawings and tables with detailed information about the metamorphosis. In addition, we provide a new larval description for R. benedicta. The results presented here also provide new data of the larval development and morphology for the target species, based on a sample series for each species. With this information, we want to contribute to a better understanding of the group and provide important data to help solve the systematic relationships puzzle. Providing also a baseline to improve further research on captive breeding, our results may have important implications for conservation breeding programs.
- Nania, D., M. Flecks, and D. Rödder. 2020. Continuous expansion of the geographic range linked to realized niche expansion in the invasive Mourning gecko Lepidodactylus lugubris (Duméril & Bibron, 1836). – PLoS ONE 15(7): e0235060. (PDF)
Lepidodactylus lugubris is a parthenogenetic gecko which has been increasingly expanding its range during the last century. This invasive species has been reported from multiple tropical and subtropical countries in five continents, most of which were colonized in recent times. In order to understand how the realized niche of the species was affected by this dramatic geographic range expansion, we reconstructed the history of the geographic range expansion. We built models of the realized niche of the species at different points in time during the invasion process. This was achieved through the implementation of modern hypervolume construction methods, based on the Hutchinson’s niche concept. The models were then compared to detect possible realized climatic niche expansion over time. Furthermore, we investigated possible pathways used by the species to spread. A progressive expansion of the realized niche was identified. As the species spread into new areas, we observed a tendency to colonize regions with warmer temperatures and higher precipitation rates. Finally, we found evidence for cargo shipping being the major pathway through which the species expands its range. Further studies on this topic should aim to investigate the role of biological interactions, and how they shape the distribution of L. lugubris on a global scale. A deeper understanding of this kind of processes will help us tackle the issue of invasive species, which has become a major challenge in conservation biology.
- Prieto Ramirez, A. M., L. Röhler, A. F. Cord, G. Pe’er, D. Rödder, and K. Henle. 2020. Differential effects of habitat loss on occupancy patterns of the eastern green lizard Lacerta viridis at the core and periphery of its distribution range. – PLoS ONE 15(3): e0229600. (PDF)
The effects of habitat loss on the distribution of populations are often linked with species specialization degree. Specialist species can be more affected by changes in landscape structure and local patch characteristics compared to generalist species. Moreover, the spatial scale at which different land covers (eg. habitat, cropland, urban areas) affect specialist species can be smaller. Specialization is usually assumed as a constant trait along the distribution range of species. However, for several taxa, there is evidence of higher specialization degree in peripheral populations compared with populations in the core. Hence, peripheral populations should have a higher sensitivity to habitat loss, and strongest effects should be found at a smaller spatial scale. To test these expectations, we implemented a patch-landscape approach at different spatial scales, and compared effects of landscape structure and patch characteristics on occupancy probability among northern peripheral, more specialized populations (Czech Republic) and core populations (Bulgaria) of the eastern green lizard Lacerta viridis. We found that landscape structure and patch characteristics affect differently the occupancy probability of Lacerta viridis in each region. Strongest effects of habitat loss were found at a spatial scale of 150m around patches in the periphery, but at a scale of 500m in the core. In the periphery occupancy probability of populations was principally affected by landscape composition, and the effect of habitat quality was stronger compared to core populations. In the core, persistence of populations was mainly explained by characteristics of the spatial configuration of habitat patches. We discuss possible ecological mechanisms behind the relationship between sensitivity to habitat loss, populations’ specialization degree and position in the distribution range, and suggest conservation measures for L. viridis.
2019 |
- Afroosheh, M., D. Rödder, P. Mikulicek, V. Akmali, S. Vaissi, J. Fleck, W. Schneider, et al. 2019. Mitochochondrial DNA variation and Quaternary range dynamics in the endangered Yellow Spotted Mountain Newt, Neurergus derjugini (Caudata, Salamandridae). Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 57 (3): 580 – 590. (PDF)
In temperate regions of the Earth Pleistocene, climatic fluctuations significantly influenced distribution of species. However, little is known on how glacial and interglacial cycles affected range dynamics of the species occupying lower latitudes. In this study, we investigated mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation and reconstructed the potential current and past (during the mid-Holocene, 6 ka BP, and the Last Glacial Maximum, LGM, 21 ka BP) distribution of Neurergus derjugini, an endangered amphibian species endemic to the mid-Zagros Mountains in Iran and Iraq. Six haplotypes identified in the control region (D-loop) form a well-supported monophyletic clade, distinct from other Neurergus species and revealing a sister relationship to Neurergus kaiseri. Nucleotide diversity quantifying mean divergence between the sequences is low and does not support the recognition of distinct evolutionary lineages in Neurergus derjugini. The landscape connectivity analysis and the haplotype parsimony network reveal higher gene flow rate between the breeding streams in the southern part of the range, while the northern populations are more isolated. The potential distribution of Neurergus derjugini is restricted to valleys close to mountain tops, wherein very high elevations and dry habitats appear to be unsuitable. During the mid-Holocene and LGM conditions, the range of the species may have been more extended and shifted to lower elevations. These findings show retraction of the Neurergus derjugini range during the Quaternary and indicate that range dynamics of the species occupying lower latitudes may not follow a scenario of glacial retraction and postglacial expansion.
- Campos, F. S., R. Lourenço-De-Moraes, A. Rudoy, D. Rödder, G. A. Llorente, and M. Solé. 2019. Ecological trait evolution in amphibian phylogenetic relationships. Ethology Ecology & Evolution, doi: 10.1080/03949370.2019.1630012. (PDF)
Current biodiversity patterns of Neotropical amphibians are the result of their functional and phylogenetic relationships. Understanding the associations between ecological similarity and phylogenetic relatedness among species can provide a convincing statement on the role of evolutionary history in the filling of the niche space. Here, we assessed the ancestral character states of amphibian ecological traits and their evolutionary history in the Atlantic Forest Hotspot. We used 12 genes (11,906 bp) to reconstruct a phylogeny for 207 amphibian species and related it to eight ecological traits regarding their morphology, life-history and behavioural features. We revealed that closely related species can have similar ecological traits, suggesting that these traits are driven by phylogenetic history. Despite the high endemism rate of Atlantic Forest amphibians, our findings heavily rely on good studies on complete amphibian phylogenetic lineages to overcome potential biogeographical constraints. Using mechanisms of adaptive evolution in the context of phylogenetic diversification, we suggest that closely related species have different phylogenetic signals and ecological traits can evolve without relatedness.
- Habel, J. C., L. Rasche, U. A. Schneider, J. O. Engler, E. Schmid, D. Rödder, S. T. Meyer, et al. (2019): Final countdown for biodiversity hotspots. Conservation Letters 2019; e12668. (PDF)
Most of Earth’s biodiversity is found in 36 biodiversity hotspots, yet less than 10% natural intact vegetation remains. We calculated models projecting the future state of most of these hotspots for the year 2050, based on future climatic and agroeconomic pressure. Our models project an increasing demand for agricultural land resulting in the conversion of >50% of remaining natural intact vegetation in about one third of all hotspots, and in 2–6 hotspots resulting from climatic pressure. This confirms that, in the short term, habitat loss is of greater concern than climate change for hotspots and their biodiversity. Hotspots are most severely threatened in tropical Africa and parts of Asia, where demographic pressure and the demand for agricultural land is highest. The speed and magnitude of pristine habitat loss is, according to our models, much greater than previously shown when combining both scenarios on future climatic and agroeconomic pressure.
- Solé, M., I. R. Dias, E. A. Rodrigues, E. Marciano-Jr, S. M. J. Branco, and D. Rödder. 2019. Diet of Leptodactylus spixi (Anura: Leptodactylidae) from a cacao plantation in southern Bahia, Brazil. North-Western Journal of Zoology 15 (1): 62 – 66. (PDF)
We studied the diet of Leptodactylus spixi from a cacao plantation in southern Bahia, Brazil. A total of 109 frogs were manually collected between December 2006 and October 2007 and analysed using a stomach flushing method. Of these, 69 stomachs revealed 168 prey items. Acarina, Orthoptera and Formicidae were the most abundant items, while Orthoptera, Diplopoda and Hemiptera were the most important in terms of frequency of occurrence. With more than 50% of total prey volume and the highest Index of Relative Importance, Orthoptera was considered the dominating prey category for this species in the studied area. The comparison between available potential prey in the environment and diet revealed that L. spixi fed on most present invertebrates. Electivity values were highest for orthopterans, gastropods and dermapterans. We conclude that L. spixi can be considered a “sit-and-wait” predator and also a generalist consuming what is available in the environment.
2018 |
- Behr, N., and D. Rödder. 2018. Larval development stages and husbandry of the Rice Frog Microhyla mukhlesuri Hasan et al., 2014 (Anura: Microhylidae). Bonn zoological Bulletin 67 (2): 109–116. (PDF)
We describe captive management and larval development of Microhyla mukhlesuri, a recently described microhylid frog from Bangladesh, southern Yunnan, Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam, at the scientific animal keeping facility of the Zoological Research Museum Alexander Koenig (ZFMK). Beginning at Gosner stage 25, for each larval stage detailed characteristics are provided and additionally developmental time is compared to other members of the genus Microhyla. Herein, we present first observations on captive reproduction of the species.
- Behr, N., and D. Rödder. 2018. Captive management, reproduction, and comparative larval development of Klappenbach’s Red-bellied Frog, Melanophryniscus klappenbachi Prigioni and Langone, 2000. Amphibian & Reptile Conservation 12: 18–26 (e153). (PDF)
In this study, we report on the successful keeping, breeding, and rearing of Klappenbach’s Redbellied Frog, Melanophryniscus klappenbachi Prigioni and Langone, 2000. Breeding and spawning took place after a relatively dry period without using a brumation period. To initiate mating behavior the toads were introduced into a rain chamber with a raised water level and constant irrigation in accordance with the toad’s natural habitat and heavy rainfalls. The fast developing tadpoles started metamorphosis after 19 days at a constant water temperature of 23 °C and pH values between 6.5 and 7.9. A higher pH value led to slightly faster growth irrespective if tadpoles were reared singly or in groups.
- Förderer, M., D. Rödder, and M. R. Langer. 2018. Patterns of species richness and the center of diversity in modern Indo-Pacific larger foraminifera. Scientific Reports (2018) 8: 8189. (PDF)
Symbiont-bearing Larger Benthic Foraminifera (LBF) are ubiquitous components of shallow tropical and subtropical environments and contribute substantially to carbonaceous reef and shelf sediments. Climate change is dramatically affecting carbonate producing organisms and threatens the diversity and structural integrity of coral reef ecosystems. Recent invertebrate and vertebrate surveys have identified the Coral Triangle as the planet’s richest center of marine life delineating the region as a top priority for conservation. We compiled and analyzed extensive occurrence records for 68 validly recognized species of LBF from the Indian and Pacifc Ocean, established individual range maps and applied Minimum Convex Polygon (MCP) and Species Distribution Model (SDM) methodologies to create the first ocean-wide species richness maps. SDM output was further used for visualizing latitudinal and longitudinal diversity gradients. Our findings provide strong support for assigning the tropical Central Indo-Pacific as the world’s species-richest marine region with the Central Philippines emerging as the bullseye of LBF diversity. Sea surface temperature and nutrient content were identified as the most influential environmental constraints exerting control over the distribution of LBF. Our findings contribute to the completion of worldwide research on tropical marine biodiversity patterns and the identification of targeting centers for conservation efforts.
- Galunder, K., and D. Rödder. 2018. Developmental Ecology and Larval Staging in Polypedates otilophus (Boulenger, 1893) (Anura: Rhacophoridae). Bonn zoological Bulletin 67 (2): 117–128. (PDF)
Tadpoles of Polypedates otilophus originating from two different foam nests were raised at water temperatures between 19°C and 27°C. A larval staging table according to Gosner is provided for the first time for the genus. The clutch sizes of the foam nests differed (19 and 49 eggs, respectively), but only 14 and 17 tadpoles hatched at stage 25. The first tadpole of nest one completed metamorphosis after 120 days and the first tadpole of nest two after 131 days. Before metamorphosis is completed, the metamorphs developed significant brown striation which is first visible on the hind legs and subsequently also on the dorsal side of the body. Detailed characteristics of each larval stage are provided. We herein provide the first detailed report on the larval development of P. otilophus, which can be used as surrogate species for captive management of other Polypedates taxa. Most interestingly, the temporal development of larvae in this species appears to be extremely plastic and strongly depending on ambient temperature.
- Gedeon, K., D. Rödder, C. Zewdie and T. Töpfer. 2017. Evaluating the conservation status of the Black-fronted Francolin Pternistis atrifrons. Bird Conservation International 28: 653-661. (PDF)
The occurrence of the Black-fronted Francolin Pternistis atrifrons is restricted to a tiny area in southern Ethiopia. Based on field studies from 2012 to 2014, we modelled the range and estimated the population size of the species in order to evaluate its current conservation status. Annual mean temperature (relatively low) and precipitation (relatively high) proved to be key factors for the probability of its occurrence. The modelled range is 1,286 km2 (“extent of occurrence” according to the IUCN Red List criteria). However, only about one third of the modelled range is actually populated by the Blackfronted Francolin. This area, around 385 km2, corresponds to the IUCN’s “area of occupancy”. The total population size is estimated at 1,100 to 2,100 mature individuals. Thus, we conclude that the species should be classified as Endangered, criteria: A2c+B1ab(i,iii,v) + B2ab(i,iii,v); population trend: decreasing. This means that the Black-fronted Francolin is one of Africa’s most endangered galliforms. Major threats are range and habitat losses due to agricultural expansion, grazing pressure, commercial firewood and timber exploitation, and hunting. Furthermore, expected climate changes in south-east Ethiopia (higher temperatures, less precipitation) could further exacerbate these threats. We propose urgent conservation actions, including the extension of the currently projected Borana National Park.
- Habel, J. C., M. Teucher and D. Rödder. 2018. Mark-release-recapture meets Species Distribution Models: Identifying micro-habitats of grassland butterflies in agricultural landscapes. PLoS ONE 13(11): e0207052. (PDF)
Habitat demands and species mobility strongly determine the occurrence of species. Sedentary species with specific habitat requirements are assumed to occur more patchy than mobile habitat generalist species, and thus suffer stronger under habitat fragmentation and habitat deterioration. In this study we measured dispersal and habitat preference of three selected butterfly species using mark-release-recapture technique. We used data on species abundance to calculate Species Distribution Models based on high-resolution aerial photographs taken using RGB / NIR cameras mounted on a UAV. We found that microhabitats for species with specific habitat requirements occur spatially restricted. In contrast, suitable habitats are more interconnected and widespread for mobile habitat generalists. Our models indicate that even managed grassland sites have comparatively little habitat quality, while road verges provide high quality micro-habitats. In addition, dispersal was more restricted for specialist butterfly species, and higher for the two other butterfly species with less ecological specialization. This study shows synergies arising when combining ecological data with high precision aerial pictures and Species Distribution Models, to identify micro-habitats for butterflies. This approach might be suitable to identify and conserve high quality habitats, and to improve nature conservation at the ground.
- Hosseinzadeh, M. S., M. Farhadi Qomi, B. Naimi, D. Rödder and S. M. Kazemi. 2018. Habitat suitability and modelling the potential distribution of the Plateau Snake Skink Ophiomorus nuchalis (Sauria: Scincidae) on the Iranian Plateau. North-Western Journal of Zoology 14 (1): 60-63. (PDF)
Species distribution models estimate the relationship between species occurrences and environmental and spatial characteristics. Herein, we used maximum entropy distribution modelling (MaxEnt) for predicting the potential distribution of the Plateau Snake Skink Ophiomorus nuchalis on the Iranian Plateau, using a small number of occurrence records (i.e. 10) and environmental variables derived from remote sensing. The MaxEnt model had a high success rate according to test AUC scores (0.912). A remotely sensed enhanced vegetation index (39.1%), and precipitation of the driest month (15.4%) were the most important environmental variables that explained the geographical distribution of O. nuchalis. Our results are congruent with previous studies suggesting that suitable habitat of O. nuchalis is limited to the central Iranian Plateau, although mountain ranges in western and eastern Iran might be environmentally suitable but not accessible.
- Prieto‐Ramirez, A. M., G. Pe’er, D. Rödder and K. Henle. 2018. Realized niche and microhabitat selection of the eastern green lizard (Lacerta viridis) at the core and periphery of its distribution range. Ecology and Evolution 8:11322–11336. (PDF)
The available range of habitats and suitable abiotic conditions like temperature and radiation tends to be narrower toward the periphery of the distribution range of species. Peripheral populations of generalist species could then be more specialized and have a smaller and differentiated realized niche (habitat niche in our study) compared to populations at the core. Likewise, patterns of microhabitat selection can differ between periphery and core. In our study, we compared niche size and microhabitat selection among core (Bulgaria) and northern peripheral (Germany, Czech Republic) populations of Lacerta viridis and estimated niche differentiation among regions. We collected data on vegetation structure and abiotic parameters at the microhabitat scale in each region. In order to compare niche size among regions and estimate niche differentiation, we built multidimensional niche hypervolumes. We applied generalized linear mixed models and model averaging, accounting for spatial autocorrelation when necessary, to analyze microhabitat differences among regions and microhabitat selection in each region. Peripheral populations were more specialized, having a smaller niche than core ones, and their niche differed from that in the core (Sørensen overlap in all comparisons.
- Rödder, D. 2018. Habitat Suitability and Distribution Models: With Applications in R (Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation), A. Guisan, W. Thuiller, N.E. Zimmermann. Cambridge University Press (2017). 478 pp., 115.00$ hardback, 49.99$ paperback, ISBN 978-0521765138 (hardback), 978-0521758369 (paperback). Basic and Applied Ecology 29: 98.
- Ray-Brambach, R. R., C. Stommel and D. Rödder. 2018. Home ranges, activity patterns and habitat preferences of leopards in Luambe National Park and adjacent Game Management Area in the Luangwa Valley, Zambia. Mammalian Biology 92: 102-110. (PDF)
Leopard (Panthera pardus) populations are declining worldwide. There are limited data on leopard ecology, especially activity patterns and habitat use, but these are vital to facilitate their conservation. In Zambia we radio tracked two female and three male leopards to study home range sizes, activity patterns and habitat preferences in Luambe National Park (LNP), and an adjacent Game Management Area used for trophy hunting. Home range sizes (MCP 95%) comprised 28.3–55.7 km2 for males and 3.1–42.3 km2 for females; Kernel densities (50%; 95%) were 32.5–80.6 km2 for males and 3.0–23.0 km2 for females. The home range for one female shrank during motherhood. Analysis of habitat use and activity patterns of leopards revealed sex-specific differences. Males showed a higher mobility than females. During 24-h observations all individuals showed a minimum mobility during noon hours and maximum mobility before sunrise and sunset. Analyses of habitat preferences using the Jacob-Index and R package adehabitatHS showed that leopards prefer denser vegetation types and rather avoid grassland. These findings should be taken into account in conservation decisions, for example in the granting of trophy hunting activities.
2017 |
- Capinha, C., H. Seebens, P. Cassey, P. García-Díaz, B. Lenzner, T. Mang, D. Moser, P. Pyšek, R. Scalera, D. Rödder, M. Winter, S. Dullinger and F. Essl. 2017. Diversity, biogeography and the global flows of alien amphibians and reptiles. Diversity and Distributions 23: 1313-1322. (PDF)
- Courant, J., S. Vogt, R. Marques, J. Measey, J. Secondi, R. Rebelo, A. De Villiers, F. Ihlow, C. De Busschere, T. Backeljau, D. Rödder and A. Herrel. 2017. Are invasive populations characterized by a broader diet than native populations? The case study of an invasive anuran. PeerJ 5:e3250. (PDF)
- Drüke, Y., and D. Rödder. 2017. Feeding ecology of the invasive gecko species Hemidactylus mabouia (Sauria: Gekkonidae) in São Sebastião (Brazil). Bonn Zoological Bulletin 66: 85-93. (PDF)
- Eberle, J., D. Rödder, M. Beckett and D. Ahrens. 2017. Landscape genetics indicate recently increased habitat fragmentation in African forest-associated chafers. Global Change Biology 23: 1988-2004. (PDF)
- Fonseca, É., M. Solé, D. Rödder and P. De Marco Junior. 2017. Pet snakes illegally marketed in Brazil: Climatic viability and establishment risk. PLoS one 12: e0183143. (PDF)
- Greve, C., M. Haase, R. Hutterer, D. Rödder, F. Ihlow and B. Misof. 2017. Snails in the desert: Species diversification of Theba (Gastropoda: Helicidae) along the Atlantic coast of NW Africa. Ecology and Evolution 7: 5524 – 5538. (PDF)
- Hamdan, B., A. G. Pereira, L. Loss-Oliveira, D. Rödder and C. G. Schrago. 2017. Evolutionary analysis of Chironius snakes unveils cryptic diversity and provides clues to diversification in the Neotropics. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 116:108-119. (PDF)
- Krings, M., B. Klein, M. J. Heneka and D. Rödder. 2017. Morphological comparisons of five species of poison dart frogs of the genus Raniotmeya (Anura: Dendrobatidae) including the skeleton, the muscle system and inner organs. PLoS one 12: e0171669. (PDF)
- Krings, M., H. Müller, M. J. Heneka and D. Rödder. 2017. Modern morphological methods for tadpole studies. A comparison of micro-CT, and clearing and staining protocols modified for frog larvae, Biotechnic & Histochemistry, 92: 8, 595-605, doi:10.1080/10520295.2017.1369162 (PDF)
- Lazic, M., D. Rödder and A. Kaliontzopoulou. 2017. The ontogeny of developmental buffering in lizard head shape. Evolution & Development 19: 244-252. (PDF)
- Marques, R., D. Rödder, M. Solé and M. S. Tinôco. 2017. Diversity and habitat use of snakes from the coastal Atlantic rainforest on the Northeastern Bahia, Brazil. Salamandra 53: 34-43. (PDF)
- Meyers, E., F. Tuya, J. Barker, D. Jimenez Alvarado, R. Haroun, J. Castro-Hernández and D. Rödder. 2017. Population structure, distribution and habitat use of the critically endangered Angelshark, Squatina squatina, in the Canary Islands. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 27: 1133-1144. (PDF)
- Javanbakht, H., F. Ihlow, D. Jablonski, P. Široký, U. Fritz, D. Rödder, M. Sharifi and P. Mikulicek. 2017. Genetic diversity and Quaternary range dynamics in Iranian and Transcaucasian tortoises. Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society 121: 627-640. (PDF)
- Rödder, D., F. Ihlow, J. Courant, J. Secondi, A. Herrel, R. Rebelo, G. J. Measey, F. Lillo, F. A. De Villiers, C. De Busschere and T. Backeljau. 2017. Global realized niche divergence in the African clawed frog Xenopus laevis. Ecology and Evolution 00: 1–15. (PDF)
- Scherges, A. M., and D. Rödder. 2017. The advertisement calls of Epipedobates anthonyi and Epipedobates tricolor (Anura: Dendrobatidae: Colostethinae): intra- and interspecific comparisons. Bonne Zoolgical Bulletin 66: 73-84. (PDF)
- Vogt, S., F. A. De Villiers, F. Ihlow, D. Rödder and G. J. Measey. 2017. Competition and feeding ecology in two sympatric Xenopus species (Anura: Pipidae). PeerJ 5:e3130. (PDF)
2016 |
- Ahmadzadeh, F., M. Flecks, M. A. Carretero, W. Böhme, F. Ihlow, P. Kapli, A. Miraldo and D. Rödder. 2016. Separate histories in both sides of the Mediterranean: Phylogeny and niche evolution of ocellated lizards. Journal of Biogeography 43:1242-1253. (PDF)
- Ceríaco, L. M. P., E. E. Gutiérrez, A. Dubois, […], D. Rödder, […] and G. Zug. 2016. Photography-based taxonomy is inadequate, unnecessary, and potentially harmful for biological sciences. Zootaxa 4169: 435-445. (PDF)
- De Busschere, C., J. Courant, A. Herrel, R. Rebelo, D. Rödder, G. J. Measey and T. Backeljau. 2016. Unequal contribution of native South African phylogeographic lineages to the Invasion of the African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis, in Europe. PeerJ 4:e1659; DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1659. (PDF)
- Habel J. C., M. Teucher, D. Rödder, M.-T. Bleicher, C. Dieckow, A. Wiese and C. Fischer. 2016. Kenyan endemic bird species at home in novel ecosystem. Ecology and Evolution 14: 2494-2505. (PDF)
- Habel, J. C., M. Teucher, W. Ulrich, M. Bauer and D. Rödder. 2016. Drones for butterfly conservation: detection of micro larval habitats using unmanned aerial vehicles. Landscape Ecology 31: 2385–2395. (PDF)
- Hawlitschek, O, A. Dunz, M. Franze, J. Morinière, D. Rödder, F. Glaw and G. Haszprunar. 2016. Comprehensive DNA barcoding of the herpetofauna of Germany. Molecular Ecology Resources 16: 242-253. (PDF)
- Ihlow, F., J. Courant, J. Secondi, A. Herrel, R. Rebelo, G. J. Measey, F. Lillo, F. A. De Villiers, S. Vogt, C. De Busschere, T. Backeljau and D. Rödder. Impacts of climate change on the global invasion potential of the African clawed frog Xenopus laevis. PLoS ONE11: e0154869. (PDF)
- Ihlow, F., M. Vamberger, M. Flecks, T. Hartmann, M. Cota, S. Makchai, P. Meewattana, J. E. Dawson, L. Kheng, D. Rödder and U. Fritz (2016): Integrative taxonomy of southeast Asian Snail-Eating Turtles (Geoemydidae: Malayemys) reveals a new species and mitochondrial introgression. PLoS ONE 11(4): e0153108. (PDF)
- Koch, C., M. Flecks, P. J. Venegas, P. Bialke, S. Valverde and D. Rödder. 2016. Applying n-dimensional hypervolumes for species delimitation: unexpected molecular, morphological, and ecological diversity in the Leaf-Toed Gecko Phyllodactylus reissii Peters, 1862 (Squamata: Phyllodactylidae) from northern Peru. Zootaxa 4161: 41-80. (PDF)
- Krehnwinkel, H., D. Rödder, M. Naparus-Aljancic and M. Kuntner. 2016. Rapid genetic and ecological differentiation during the northern range expansion of the venomous yellow sac spider Cheiracanthium punctorium in Europe. Evolutionary Applications 9: 1229-1240. (PDF)
- Krehnwinkel, H., M. Graze, D. Rödder, K. Tanaka, Y. Baba, C. Muster and G. Uhl. 2016. A phylogeographic survey of a highly dispersive spider reveals Eastern Asia as a major glacial refugium for Palearctic fauna. Journal of Biogeography 43: 1583-1594. (PDF)
- Marques, R., D. Rödder, M. Solé, É. Fonseca and M. S. Tinôco. 2016. Composition and natural history of the coastal snake assemblage from Northern Bahia, Brazil. ZooKeys 611: 93-142. (PDF)
- Oliveira, I. S., D. Rödder and L. F. Toledo. 2016. Potential impacts of sea level rise on coastal lowland anurans worldwide. North-Western Journal of Zoology 12: 91-101. (PDF)
- Oliveira, I. S., D. Rödder, C., Capinha, F. Ahmadzadeh, A. K. C. Oliveira and L. F. Toledo. 2016. Assessing future habitat availability for coastal lowland anurans in the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest. Studies of Neotropical Fauna and Environment 51: 45-55. (PDF)
- Ray, R.-R., C. Stommel and D. Rödder. 2016. Home ranges, activity patterns and habitat preferences of leopards in Luambe National Park and adjacent hunting area in the Luangwa Valley, Zambia. Mammalian Biology 81: 14.
- Rödder, D., S. Nekum, A. F. Cord and J. O. Engler. 2016. Coupling satellite data with species distribution and connectivity models as a tool for environmental management. Environmental Management 58: 130-143. (PDF)
2015 |
- Bonke, R., N. Whitaker, D. Rödder and W. Böhme. 2015. Vocalizations in two rare crocodilian species: a comparative approach in distress call analysis of Tomistoma schlegeli (Müller, 1838) and Gavialis gangeticus (Gmelin, 1789). North-Western Journal of Zoology 11: 151-162. (PDF)
- Geissler, P., T. Hartmann, F. Ihlow, D. Rödder, N. A. Poyarkov, T. Q. Nguyen, T. Ziegler and W. Böhme. 2015. The Lower Mekong: an insurmountable barrier for amphibians in southern Indochina? Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society 144: 905-914. (PDF)
- Habel, J. C., F. E. Zachos, L. Dapporto, D. Rödder, U. Radespiel, A. Tellier and T. Schmitt. 2015. Population genetics revisited – towards a multidisciplinary research field. Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society 115: 1-12. (PDF)
- Ihlow, F., R. Bonke, T. Hartmann, P. Geissler, N. Behler and D. Rödder 2015. Habitat suitability, coverage by protected areas and population connectivity for the Siamese Crocodile Crocodylus siamensis Schneider, 1801. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 25: 544-554. (PDF)
- James, T. J., L. F. Toledo, D. Rödder, D. Da Silva Leite, A. Belasen, C. M. B. Román, T. S. Jenkinson, C. Lambertini, A. V. Longo, J. Ruggeri, J. Collins, P. Burrowes, K. Lips, K. Zamudio and J. E. Longcore. 2015. Detangling host, pathogen and environmental determinants of recently emerged wildlife diseases: lessons from the first 15 years of amphibian chytridiomycosis research. Ecology and Evolution 5: 4079-4097. (PDF)
- Krehnwinkel, H., D. Rödder and D. Tautz. 2015. Eco-Genomic analysis of the poleward range expansion of the wasp spider Argiope bruennichi shows rapid adaptation and genomic admixture. Global Change Biology 21: 4320-4332. (PDF)
- Mokhatla, M. M., D. Rödder and G. J. Measey. 2015. Assessing the effects of changing climate on distributions of the endemic amphibian fauna of the Cape Floristic Region. South African Journal of Science 111 (11/12); Art. #2014-0389. (PDF)
- Rato, C., D. J. Harris, A. Perera, S. Carvalho, M. A. Carretero and D. Rödder. 2015. A combination of divergence and conservatism in the niche evolution of Tarentola mauritanica (Gekkota: Phyllodactylidae). PLoS One 10(5):e0127980. (PDF)
- Stiels, D., B. Gaißler, K. Schidelko, J. O. Engler and D. Rödder. 2015. Niche shift in four non-native Estrildid finches: implications for species distribution models. IBIS 157: 75-97. (PDF)
- Teixeira, R. L., R. B. Ferreira, T. Silva-Soares, M. M. Mageski, W. Pertel, D. Rödder, E. Hoffman De Barros and J. O. Engler. 2015. Anuran community of a cacao plantation in southeastern Brazil. Salamandra 51: 259-262. (PDF)
2014 |
- Baier, F., H. Nicolaou and D. Rödder. 2014. A species distribution model for the endemic Cyprus Whip Snake (Hierophis cypriensis) is consistent with a transient period of isolated evolution in the Troodos Range. The Herpetological Journal 24: 175-181. (PDF)
- Bonke, R., F. Ihlow, W. Böhme and D. Rödder. 2014. Movement patterns of Tomistoma schlegelii (Müller, 1838) in the Sekonyer Kanan River (Tanjung Puting National Park, Central Kalimantan) as preliminary range size estimates. Salamandra 50: 40-52. (PDF)
- Capinha, C.., D. Rödder, H. M. Pereira and H. Kappes. 2014. Response of non-native European terrestrial gastropods to new climates correlates with biogeographical and biological traits. Global Ecology and Biogeography 23: 857-866. (PDF)
- Engler, J. O., A. F. Cord, P. Dieker, J. W. Wägele, and D. Rödder. 2014. Accounting for the ‘network’ in the Natura 2000 network: A response to Hochkirch et al. 2013. arXiv preprint arXiv:1408.7076
- Engler, J. O., D. Rödder, D. Stiels and M. I. Förschler. 2014. Suitable, reachable but not colonized: Avian niche duality in an endemic mountainous songbird. Journal of Ornithology 155: 657-669. (PDF)
- Engler, J. O., N. Balkenhol, K. Filz, J. C. Habel and D. Rödder. 2014. Comparative landscape genetics of three closely related sympatric Hesperid butterflies with diverging ecological traits. PLoS one 9(9): e106526. (PDF)
- Fourcade, Y., J. O.Engler, D. Rödder and J. Secondi. 2014. Mapping species distributions with MAXENT using a geographically biased sample of presence data: a performance assessment of methods for correcting sample bias. PLoS one 9(5): e97122. (PDF)
- Ghaffari, H., F. Ihlow, M. V. Plummer, M. Karami, N. Khorasani, B. S. Mahroo and D. Rödder. 2014. Home range and habitat selection of the endangered Euphrates softshell turtle Rafetus euphraticus in a fragmented habitat in southwestern Iran. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 13: 202-215. (PDF)
- Habel J. C., R. K. Mulwa, F. Gassert, D. Rödder, W. Ulrich, L. Borghesio, M. Husemann and L. Lens. 2014. Population signatures of large-scale, long-term disjunction and small-scale, short-term habitat fragmentation in an Afromontane forest bird. Heredity 113: 205-214. (PDF)
- Ihlow, F., F. Ahmadzadeh, H. Ghaffari, E. Taskavak, T. Hartmann, C. Etzbauer and D. Rödder. 2014. Assessment of genetic structure, habitat suitability and effectiveness of reserves for future conservation planning of the Euphrates soft-shelled turtle Rafetus euphraticus (Daudin, 1802). Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 24: 831-840. (PDF)
- Ihlow, F., D. Rödder, T. Bochynek, S. Sothanin, M. Handschuh and W. Böhme. 2014. Reinforcement as a conservation tool – assessing site fidelity and movement of the endangered Elongated Tortoise Indotestudo elongata (Blyth, 1854). Journal of Natural History 48: 39-40. (PDF)
- Kurth, M., D. Hörnes and D. Rödder. 2014. SAISAQ: A novel tool for semiautomatic image based surface area quantification. North-Western Journal of Zoology 10 : 217-220. (PDF)
- Kurth, M., D. Hörnes and D. Rödder. 2014. Race against desiccation: rapid larval development in Melanophryniscus klappenbachi (Anura: Bufonidae). Salamandra 50:117-124. (PDF)
- Jakob, S. S., D. Rödder, J. O. Engler, S. Shaaf, H. Özkan, F. R. Blattner and B. Kilian. 2014. Evolutionary history of wild barley (Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneum) analyzed using multilocus sequencing and paleodistribution modeling. Genome Biology and Evolution 6: 685-702. (PDF)
- Louy, D., J. C. Habel, S. Abadjev, L. Rakosy, Z. Varga, D. Rödder and T. Schmitt. 2014. Molecules and models indicate diverging evolutionary effects from parallel altitudinal range shift in two mountain Ringlet butterflies. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 112: 569-583. (PDF)
- Mageski, M., R. B. Ferreira, C. Zocca, R. L. Teixeira and D. Rödder. 2014. The unusual occurrence of a population of Dendropsophus elegans (Anura: Hylidae) in an inselberg of southeastern Brazil. Herpetology Notes 7: 363-365. (PDF)
- Schmitt, T., J.-C. Habel, D. Rödder and D. Louy. 2014. Effects of recent and past climatic shifts on the genetic structure of the high mountain Yellow-spotted ringlet butterfly Erebia manto (Lepidoptera, Satyrinae): a conservation problem. Global Change Biology 20: 2045-2061. (PDF)
- Van Schingen, M., F. Ihlow, T. Q. Nguyen, T. Ziegler, M. Bonkowski, C. P. Pham, Z. Wu and D. Rödder. 2014. Potential distribution and effectiveness of the protected area network for the Chinese Crocodile Lizard Shinisaurus crocodilurus Ahl, 1930 (Reptilia: Squamata). Salamandra 50: 71-76. (PDF)
- Wagner, N., D. Rödder, C. Brühl, M. Veith and S. Lötters. 2014. Assessing the risk of pesticide exposure for amphibian species listed in Annex II of the Habitats Directive. Biological Conservation 176: 64-70. (PDF)
2013 |
- Ahmadzadeh, F., M. Flecks, M. A. Carretero, O. Mozaffari, W. Böhme, D. J. Harris, S. Freitas and D. Rödder. 2013. Cryptic speciation patterns in Iranian rock lizards uncovered by integrative taxonomy. PLoS One 8(12): e80563. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0080563. (PDF)
- Ahmadzadeh, F., M. Flecks, D. Rödder, W. Böhme, Ç. Ilgaz, D. J. Harris, J. O. Engler, N. Üzüm and M. A. Carretero 2013. Multiple dispersal out of Anatolia: biogeography and evolution of oriental green lizards. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 110: 389-408. (PDF)
- Ahmadzadeh, F., M. A. Carretero, D. Rödder, D. J. Harris, S. N. Freitas, A. Perera, and W. Böhme. 2013. Inferring the effects of past climate fluctuations on the distribution pattern of Iranolacerta (Reptilia, Lacertidae): evidences from mitochondrial DNA and species distribution models. Zoologischer Anzeiger 252: 141-148. (PDF)
- Ahmadzadeh, F., M. Flecks, M. A. Carretero, W. Böhme, C. Ilgaz, J. O. Engler, D. J. Harris, N. Üzüm and D. Rödder. 2013. Rapid lizard radiation lacking niche conservatism: ecological diversification within a complex landscape. Journal of Biogeography 40: 1475-1489. (PDF)
- Bernardes M., D. Rödder, T. T. Nguyen, T. C. Pham, Q. T. Nguyen, and T. Ziegler. 2013. Habitat characterization and potential distribution of Tylototriton vietnamensis in northern Vietnam. Journal of Natural History 47: 1161-1175. (PDF)
- Böll, S., B. R. Schmidt, M. Veith, N. Wagner, D. Rödder, C. Weimann, T. Kirschey and S. Lötters. 2013. Anuran amphibians as indicators of changes in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems following GM crop cultivation: a monitoring guideline. BioRisk 8: 39-51. (PDF)
- Channing, A., A. Hillers, S. Lötters, M.-O. Rödel, S. Schick, W. Conradie, D. Rödder, V. Mercurio, P. Wagner, J.M. Dehling, L.H. Du Preez, J. Kielgast and M. Burger. 2013. Taxonomy of the super-cryptic Hyperolius nasutus group of long reed frogs of Africa (Anura: Hyperoliidae), with descriptions of six new species. Zootaxa 3620: 301-350.
- Dambach, J., S. Thatje, D. Rödder, Z. Basher, and M.J. Raupach. 2013. Correction: Effects of Late-Cenozoic Glaciation on Habitat Availability in Antarctic Benthic Shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea). PLoS ONE 8(3): 10.1371/annotation/0c5390b8-72b0-4b7e-85a3-b8c0fd9f62bf.
- Engler, J. O., D. Rödder, O. Elle, A. Hochkirch and J. Secondi. 2013. Species distribution models contribute to determine the effect of climate and interspecific interactions in moving hybrid zones. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26: 2487-2496. (PDF)
- Fourcade, Y., J. O. Engler, A. G. Besnarda, D. Rödder and J. Secondi. 2013.Confronting expert-based and modelled distributions for species with uncertain conservation status: a case study from the corncrake (Crex crex). Biological Conservation 167: 161-171. (PDF)
- Gassert, F., U Schulte, M. Husemann, W. Ulrich, D. Rödder, A. Hochkirch, E. Engel, J. Meyer and J. C. Habel. 2013. From southern refugia to the northern range margin: genetic population structure of the common wall lizard, Podarcis muralis. Journal of Biogeography 40: 1475-1489 (PDF)
- Ghaffari, H., M. V. Plummer, M. Karami, B. Safaei, F. Ahmadzadeh, and D. Rödder. 2013. Notes on a nest and emergence of hatchlings of the Euphrates softshell turtle (Rafetus euphraticus) at the Dez River, Iran. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 12: 319-323. (PDF)
- Habel, J. C., D. Rödder, L. Lens, and T. Schmitt 2013. The genetic signature of ecologically different grassland Lepidopterans. Biodiversity and Conservation 22: 2401-2411. (PDF)
- Habel, J. C., M. Husemann, T. Schmitt, L. Dapporto, D. Rödder and S. Vandewoestijne. 2013. A forest butterfly in Sahara desert oases: isolation does not matter. Journal of Heredity 104: 234-247. (PDF)
- Hartmann, T., P. Geissler, N. A. Poyarkov, Jr., F. Ihlow, E. A. Galoyan, D. Rödder and W. Böhme. 2013. A new species of the genus Calotes Cuvier, 1817 (Squamata: Agamidae) from southern Vietnam. Zootaxa 3599: 246–260. (PDF)
- Koch, C., P. J. Venegas, D. Rödder, M. Flecks and W. Böhme. 2013. Two new endemic species of Ameiva (Squamata: Teiidae) from the dry forest of northwestern Peru and additional information on Ameiva concolor Ruthven, 1924. Zootaxa 3745: 263-295. (PDF)
- Kurth, M., D. Hörnes, S. Esser and D. Rödder. 2013. Notes on the acoustic repertoire of Melanophryniscus klappenbachi Prigioni & Langone, 2000. Zootaxa 3626: 597-600. (PDF)
- Langer, M. R., A. E. Weinmann, S. Lötters, J. M. Bernhard and D. Rödder. 2013. Climate-driven range extension of Amphistegina (Protista, Foraminiferida): models of current and predicted future ranges. PLoS ONE 8(2): e54443. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0054443 (PDF)
- Marques, R., M. S. Tinôco, D. Rödder and H. C. Browne-Ribeiro. 2013. Distribution extension of Thamnodynastes pallidus and new records within the distribution of Erythrolamprus reginae, Imantodes cenchoa and Siphlophis compressus (Serpentes, Dipsadidae) for the north coast of Bahia, Brazil. Herpetology Notes 6: 529-532. (PDF)
- Rajaei SH., H., D. Rödder, A. M. Weigand, J. Dambach, M. J. Raupach and J. W. Wägele. 2013. Quaternary refugia in southwestern Iran: Insights from two sympatric moth species (Insecta, Lepidoptera). Organisms Diversity and Evolution 13: 409-423. (PDF)
- Rödder, D., and F. Ihlow. 2013. Chelonians in a changing climate: can nest site selection prevent sex ratio skews? Animal Conservation 16: 491–492. (PDF)
- Rödder, D., U. Schulte and L. F. Toledo. 2013. High environmental niche overlap between the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis and invasive bullfrogs (Lithobates catesbeianus) enhance the potential of disease transmission in the Americas. North-Western Journal of Zoology 9: 178-184. (PDF)
- Rödder, D., A. M. Lawing, M. Flecks, F. Ahmadzadeh, J. Dambach, J. O. Engler, J. C. Habel, T. Hartmann, D. Hörnes, F. Ihlow, K. Schidelko, D. Stiels, and P. D. Polly. 2013. Evaluating the significance of paleophylogeographic species distribution models in reconstructing quaternary range-shifts of Nearctic chelonians. PLoS ONE 8: e72855. link (PDF)
- Schidelko, K., N. Wüstenhagen, D. Stiels, R. Van Den Elzen and D. Rödder. 2013. Continental shelf as potential retreat areas for Austral-Asian estrildid finches (Passeriformes: Estrildidae) during the Pleistocene. Journal of Avian Biology 44: 121-132. (PDF)
- Schreiner, C., D. Rödder and J. G. Measey. 2013. Using modern models to test Poynton’s predictions. African Journal of Herpetology 62: 49-62. (PDF)
- Wagner, P., T. M. Wilms, D. Rödder and A. Schmitz. 2013. A great leap – the first record of Xenopus pygmaeus (Anura: Pipidae) from south of the Congo Basin. Salamandra 49: 206-210. (PDF)
- Weimann, A., D. Rödder, S. Lötters and M. R. Langer. 2013. Heading for new shores: Projecting marine distribution ranges of selected larger foraminifera. PLoS ONE 8(4): e62182. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0062182. (PDF)
- Weinmann, A. E., D. Rödder, S. Lötters and M. R. Langer. 2013. Travelling through time: the past, present and future biogeographic range of the invasive foraminifera Amphistegina spp. in the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Micropaleontology 105: 30-39. (PDF)
- Werner, P., S. Lötters, B. R. Schmidt, J. O. Engler and D. Rödder. 2013. The role of climate for the range limits of parapatric European land salamanders. Ecography 36: 1127-1137. (PDF)
2012 |
- Bidinger, K., S. Lötters, D. Rödder and M. Veith. 2012. Species distribution models for the alien invasive Asian Harlequin ladybird (Harmonia axyridis). Journal of Applied Entomology 136: 109–123. (PDF)
- Böhme, W., and D. Rödder. 2012. Institutinal Profiles: Herpetology at the Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig (ZFMK), Bonn, Germany. Herpetological Review 43: 15-18. (PDF)
- Dambach, J., S. Thatje, D. Rödder, Z. Basher, and M. J. Raupach. 2012. Effects of Late-Cenozoic glaciation on habitat availability in Antarctic benthic shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea). PLoS ONE 7(9): e46283. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0046283 (PDF)
- Engler, J. O., and D. Rödder. 2012. Disentangling interpolation and extrapolation uncertainties in ecological niche models: a novel visualization technique for the spatial variation of predictor variable colinearity. Biodiversity Informatics 8: 30-40. (PDF) (Supplement)
- Esser, S., and D. Rödder. 2012. Notes on the reproduction of the Yellow-Throated Plated Lizard Gerrhosaurus flavigularis (Wiegmann, 1882). Herpetology Notes 5: 13-14. (PDF)
- Flecks, M., F. Weinsheimer, W. Böhme, J. Chenga, S. Lötters and D. Rödder. 2012. Watching extinction: the dramatic population status of the critically endangered Tanzanian Turquoise Dwarf Gecko, Lygodactylus williamsi. Salamandra 48: 12-20. (PDF)
- Habel, J. C., J. O. Engler, D. Rödder and T. Schmitt. 2012. Landscape genetics of a recent population extirpation in a burnet moth species. Conservation Genetics 13: 247–255. (PDF)
- Habel, J.-C., J. O. Engler, D. Rödder and T. Schmitt. 2012. Contrasting genetic and morphologic responses on recent population decline in two burnet moths (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae). Conservation Genetics 13: 1293-1304. (PDF)
- Ihlow, F., J. Dambach, J. O. Engler, M. Flecks, T. Hartmann, S. Nekum, H. Rajaei and D. Rödder. 2012. On the brink of extinction? How climate change may affect global Chelonian species richness. Global Change Biology 18: 1520-1530. (PDF)
- Langer, M., A. E. Weinmann, S. Lötters and D. Rödder. 2012. ―Strangers in Paradise: Modeling the biogeographic range expansion of the foraminifera Amphistegina in the Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Foraminiferal Research 42: 234-244. (PDF)
- Lötters, S., J. Kielgast, M. Sztatecsny, N. Wagner, U. Schulte, P. Werner, D. Rödder, J. Dambach, T. Reissner, A. Hochkirch and B. R. Schmidt. 2012. Absence of infection with the amphibian chytrid fungus in the terrestrial Alpine salamander, Salamandra atra. Salamandra 48: 58-62. (PDF)
- Measey, G. J., D. Rödder, S. L. Green, R. Kobayashi, F. Lillo, G. Lobos, R. Rebelo and J.-M. Thirion. 2012. Ongoing global invasions of the African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis. Biological Invasions 14: 2255-2270. (PDF)
- Mendes, C. V. M., D. S. Ruas, R. Lourenço-De-Moraes, D. Rödder and M. Solé. 2012. The advertisement call of Gastrotheca fissipes Boulenger, 1888 (Anura, Hemiphractidae) with comments on distribution. Zootaxa 3312: 62–64. (PDF).
- Schulte, U., A. Hochkirch, S. Lötters, D. Rödder, S. Schweiger, T. Weimann and M. Veith. 2012. Cryptic niche conservatism among evolutionary lineages of an invasive lizard. Global Ecology and Biogeography 21: 198–211. (PDF)
- Wagner, P., D. Rödder and T. M. Wilms. 2012. New data on the morphology and natural history of Tetradactylus ellenbergeri (Angel, 1922) (Sauria: Gerrhosauridae) and Trachylepis ivensii (Bocage, 1879) (Sauria: Scincidae) in northeastern Zambia. Bonn Zoological Bulletin 61: 35-40. (PDF)
2011 |
- Angetter, L.-S., S. Lötters and D. Rödder. 2011. Climate niche conservatism in invasive alien species: the case of the brown anole. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 104: 943–954. (PDF)
- Bonke, R., W. Böhme, K. Opiela and D. Rödder. 2011. A remarkable case of cannibalism in juvenile Leopard Geckos, Eublepharis macularius (Blyth, 1854) (Squamata: Eublepharidae). Herpetology Notes 4: 211-212. (PDF)
- Böhme, W., and D. Rödder. 2011. Rediscoverd after ninety years: the Ethiopian high altitude dwarf species Ptychadena nana (Amphibia: Ptychadenidae). North-Western Journal of Zoology 7 (2): 322-324. (PDF)
- Cord, A., and D. Rödder. 2011. Inclusion of habitat availability in species distribution models through multi-temporal remote sensing data? Ecological Applications. 21: 3285-3298. (PDF)
- Dambach, J., and D. Rödder. 2011. Applications and future challenges in marine species distribution modeling. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 21: 92-100. (PDF)
- Dias, I. R., D. Rödder, F. Weinsheimer, A. Kwet and M. Solé. 2011. Description of the advertisement call of Phasmahyla spectabilis Cruz, Feio & Nascimento, 2008 (Anura: Phyllomedusinae) with comments on its distribution and reproduction. Zootaxa 2767: 59–64. (PDF)
- Habel, J. C., M. Husemann, D. Rödder and T. Schmitt. 2011. Biogeographical dynamics of the Spanish Marbled White Melanargia ines (Lepidoptera: Satyridae) in the Western Mediterranean: Does the Atlanto-Mediterranean refuge exist? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 104: 828–837. (PDF)
- Habel, J. C., G. Nève, D. Rödder and T. Schmitt. 2011.Global warming will affect the genetic diversity and uniqueness of Lycaena helle populations.Global Change Biology 17: 194-205. (PDF)
- Habel, J. C., L. Lens, D. Rödder and T. Schmitt. 2011. From Africa to Europe and back: refugia and range shifts cause high genetic differentiation in the Marbled White butterfly Melanargia galathea. BMC Evolutionary Biology 11:215. (PDF)
- Koch, C., P. J. Venegas and D. Rödder. 2011. Notes on the advertisement call of Hyloxalus elachyhistus (Edwards, 1971) (Anura, Dendrobatidae). Salamandra 47:116-119. (PDF)
- Rödder, D., W. Böhme and S. Lötters. 2011. ‘Chamaliens’ on the Hawaiian Islands: spatial risk assessment for the invasive Jackson’s chameleon (Chamaeleonidae). Salamandra 47: 36-42. (PDF)
- Rödder, D., and J. O. Engler. 2011. Quantitative metrics of overlaps in Grinnellian niches: advances and possible drawbacks. Global Ecology and Biogeography 20: 915-927. (PDF)
- Rödder, D., A. Schmitz, G. Onore and W. Böhme. 2011. New records of the endangered Pristimantis eugeniae (Lynch and Duellman, 1997) (Anura: Strabomantidae) from Ecuador. Herpetology Notes 4: 247-248. (PDF)
- Rödder, D., S. Lötters, M. Öz, S. Bogaerts, K. Eleftherakos and M. Veith. 2011. A novel method to calculate climatic niche similarity among species with restricted ranges – The case of the terrestrial Lycian salamanders. Organisms, Diversity and Evolution 11:409–423. (PDF)
- Schidelko, K., D. Stiels and D. Rödder. 2011. Historical stability of diversity patterns in African estrildid finches (Estrildidae)? Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 102: 455-470. (PDF)
- Stiels, D., K. Schidelko, J. O. Engler, R. van den Elzen and D. Rödder. 2011. Predicting the potential distribution of the invasive common waxbill Estrilda astrild (Passeriformes: Estrildidae). Journal of Ornithology 152:769–780. (PDF)
- Swei, A., J.J.L. Rowley, D. Rödder, M. L. L. Diesmos, A. C. Diesmos, C. J. Briggs, R. Brown, T. Trung Cao, T. L. Cheng, R. A. Chong, B. Han, J.-M. Hero, H. D. Hoang, M. D. Kusrini, D. Thi Thuy, J. A. McGuire, M. Meegaskumbura, M. S. Min, D. G. Mulcahy, T. Neang, S. Phimmachak, D.Q. Rao, N. M. Reeder, S. D. Schoville, N. Sivongxay, N. Srei, M. Stöck, B. L. Stuart, L. S. Torres, D. Thi Anh, T. S. Tunstall, D. Vietes and V. T. Vredenburg. 2011. Is chytridiomycosis an emerging infectious disease in Asia? PloS ONE 6: e23179. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0023179. (PDF)
- Wilms, T. M., P. Wagner, M. Shobrak, D. Rödder and W. Böhme. 2011. Some like it hot – on the thermobiology and individual activity patterns of a large herbivorous desert lizard, Uromastyx aegyptia microlepis Blanford, 1875 at the Mahazat as-Sayd Protected area, Saudi Arabia. Journal of Arid Environments 75: 636-647. (PDF)
2010 |
- Ferreira, R. B., T. Silva-Soares and D. Rödder. 2010. Amphibians of Vitória, an urban area in South-eastern Brazil: first approximation. Salamandra 46: 187-196. (PDF)
- Habel, J. C., D. Rödder, T. Schmitt, S. Stefano, M. Meyer and F. E. Zachos. 2010. Strong genetic cohesiveness between Italy and the Maghreb in four butterfly species. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 99: 818-890. (PDF)
- Habel, J. C., T. Schmitt, M. Meyer, A. Finger, D. Rödder, T. Assmann and F. Zachos. 2010. Biogeography meets conservation: the genetic structure of the endangered lycaenid butterfly Lycaena helle (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 101: 155-168. (PDF)
- Hendler, R., D. Rödder and M. Veith. 2010. Flexibilisierung des Schutzgebietsnetzes Natura 2000 vor dem Hintergrund des Klimawandels. Natur und Recht 32: 685-692.
- Jakob, S. S., C. Heibl, D. Rödder and F. R. Blattner. 2010. Population demography influences climatic niche evoluition: evidence from diploid American Hordeum species (Poaceae). Molecular Ecology 19: 1423-1438. (PDF)
- Kielgast, J., D. Rödder, M. Veith and S. Lötters. 2010. Widespread occurrence of the chytrid fungus in Kenya. Animal Conservation 13 (Suppl. 1): 36-43. (PDF)
- Kirchhof, S., J. Linden, D. Rödder and K. Richter. 2010. Foraging mode of Australolacerta rupicola (FitzSimons, 1933) (Sauria: Lacertidae): evidence of seasonal variation in an extremely active predator? Journal of Natural History 44: 2941-2953. (PDF)
- Kirchhof, S., J. Linden, D. Rödder and K. Richter 2010. Daily activity patterns of Australolacerta rupicola (FitzSimons, 1933) (Sauria: Lacertidae) with comments on niche segregation within a syntopic lizard community. North-Western Journal of Zoology 6: 172-181. (PDF)
- Krahmer, C., C. Dänicke and D. Rödder. 2010. Die Folgen des Global Change – Eine Herausforderung für Rechts- und Naturwissenschaftler. Zeitschrift für Landes- und Kommunalrecht Hessen 5: 397-400.
- Lima, J. E. P., D. Rödder and M. Solé. 2010. Diet of two sympatric species of Phyllomedusa (Anura: Hylidae) from a cacao plantation in southern Bahia, Brazil. North-Western Journal of Zoology 6:13-24. (PDF)
- Lötters, S., A. van der Meijden, T. E. Koester, T. Kraus, E. La Marca, C. F. B. Haddad, D. Rödder, and M. Veith. 2010. Testing vicariance versus dispersal in Amazonian harlequin frogs: an ecological niche modeling approach. Biodiversity and Conservation 19: 2125-2146. (PDF)
- Rödder, D., and S. Lötters. 2010. Potential distribution of the alien invasive Brown tree snake, Boiga irregularis (Reptilia: Colubridae). Pacific Science 64: 11-22. (PDF)
- Rödder, D., and S. Lötters. 2010. Explanative power of variables used in species distribution modelling: An issue of general model transferability or niche shift in the invasive Greenhouse frog (Eleutherodactylus planirostris)? Naturwissenschaften 97: 781-796. (PDF)
- Rödder, D., and U. Schulte. 2010. Potential loss of genetic variability despite well established network of reserves: the case of the Iberian endemic lizard Lacerta schreiberi. Biodiversity and Conservation 19: 2651-2666. (PDF)
- Rödder, D., and U. Schulte. 2010. Amphibien und Reptilien im anthropogenen Klimawandel: Was wissen wir und was erwarten wir? Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie 17: 1-22. (PDF)
- Rödder, D., J. O. Engler, F. Weinsheimer, R. Bonke and W. Pertel. 2010. Fading of the last giants: an assessment of habitat availability of the Sunda Gharial Tomistoma schlegelii and coverage with protected areas. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 20: 678-684. (PDF)
- Rödder, D., O. Hawlitscheck and F. Glaw. 2010. Environmental niche plasticity of Phelsuma parkeri from Pemba Island, Tanzania: implications for conservation. Tropical Zoology 23: 35-49. (PDF)
- Rödder, D., F. Weinsheimer and S. Lötters. 2010. Molecules meet macroecology––combining Species Distribution Models and phylogeographic studies. Zootaxa 2426: 54-60. (PDF)
- Rödder, D., J. Kielgast and S. Lötters. 2010. Future potential distribution of the emerging amphibian chytrid fungus under anthropogenic climate change. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, Special Issue 4: DOI:103354/dao02197. (PDF)
- Schick, S., J. Kielgast, D. Rödder, V. Muchai, M. Burger and S. Lötters. 2010. New species of reed frog from the Congo basin with discussion of paraphyly in Cinnamon-belly reed frogs. Zootaxa 2501: 23-36. (PDF)
- Schidelko, K., R. van den Elzen, D. Hegenberg and D. Rödder. 2010. The importance of collection data for ecological niche modelling: experiences with data from Pytilia melba (L., 1758) (Aves, Passeriformes, Estrildidae). Journal of Afrotropical Zoology, special issue: 83-92.
- Schulte, L. M., R. Schulte, D. Rödder and S. Lötters. 2010. Preference and competition for breeding plants in coexisting Ranitomeya species (Dendrobatidae): does height play a role? Salamandra 46: 180-184. (PDF)
- Weinsheimer, F., A. A. Mengistu and D. Rödder. 2010. Potential distribution of threatened Leptopelis ssp. (Anura, Arthroleptidae) in Ethiopia derived from climate and land-cover data. Endangered Species Research 9: 117-124. (PDF)
2009 |
- Lötters, S., J. Kielgast, J. Bielby, S. Schmidtlein, J. Bosch, T.W.J. Garner, M. Veith, S. F. Walker, M.C. Fisher, D. Rödder. 2009. The link between rapid enigmatic amphibian decline and the worldwide emerging chytrid fungus. EcoHealth 6: 358-372. (PDF)
- Lötters, S., A. Schmitz, S. Reichle, D. Rödder and V. Banning. 2009. Another case of cryptic diversity in poison frogs (Dendrobatidae: Ameerega) – description of a new species from Bolivia. Zootaxa 2028: 20-30. (PDF)
- Rödder, D. 2009. ‘Sleepless in Hawaii’ – does anthropogenic climate change enhance ecological and socioeconomic impacts of the alien invasive Eleutherodactylus coqui Thomas, 1966 (Anura: Eleutherodactylidae)? North-Western Journal of Zoology 5(1): 16-25. (PDF)
- Rödder, D. 2009. Human Footprint, facilitated jump dispersal, and the potential distribution of the invasive Eleutherodactylus johnstonei Barbour 1914 (Anura: Eleutherodactylidae). Tropical Zoology 22: 205-217. (PDF)
- Rödder, D., A. Kwet and S. Lötters. 2009. Translating natural history into geographic space: a macroecological perspective on the North American Slider, Trachemys scripta (Reptilia, Cryptodira, Emydidae). Journal of Natural History 43: 2525-2536. (PDF)
- Rödder, D., and A. Schlüter. 2009. Pristimantis minutulus Duellman & Hedges, 2007 (Anura: Strabomantidae): geographic range extension and colour polymorphism. Salamandra 45: 53-56. (PDF)
- Rödder, D., and A. Schmitz. 2009. Two new Pristimantis from Ecuador. Revue Suisse de Zoologia 116: 275-288. (PDF)
- Rödder, D., and F. Weinsheimer. 2009. Will future anthropogenic climate change increase the potential distribution of the alien invasive Cuban treefrog (Anura: Hylidae)? Journal of Natural History 43: 1207-1217. (PDF)
- Rödder, D., and S. Lötters. 2009. Niche shift or niche conservatism? Climatic properties of the native and invasive range of the Mediterranean Housegecko Hemidactylus turcicus. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 18: 674-687. (PDF)
- Rödder, D., and W. Böhme. 2009. Who is who? Comparison of the advertisement calls of two East African sister species of Hyperolius (Anura: Hyperoliidae). Salamandra 45: 180-185. (PDF)
- Rödder, D., D. Trautmann and W. Böhme. 2009. Notes on the reproductive mode of Melanoseps emmrichi Broadley 2006. Herpetology Notes 2: 17-19. (PDF)
- Rödder, D., J. Kielgast, J. Bielby, J. Bosch, T. J. W. Garner, S. Schmidtlein, M. Veith, S. Walker, M. C. Fisher and S. Lötters. 2009. Global amphibian extinction risk assessment for the panzootic chytrid fungus. Diversity 1: 52-66. (PDF)
- Rödder, D., S. Schmidtlein, M. Veith and S. Lötters. 2009. Alien invasive Slider turtle in unpredicted habitat: a matter of niche shift or predictors studied? PLoS ONE 4: e7843. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0007843. (PDF)
- Solé, M., I. Ribeiro Dias, E. A. Santos Rodrigues, E. M. Santos Silva Jr, S. Martins de Jesus Branco, K. Pereira Cavalcante and D. Rödder. 2009. Diet of Leptodactylus ocellatus (Anura, Leptodactylidae) from a cacao plantation in southern Bahia, Brazil. Herpetology Notes 2: 9-15. (PDF)
- Wagner, P., E. Townsend, M. Barej, D. Rödder and S. Spawls. 2009. First record of human envenomation by Atractaspis congica Peters, 1877 (Squamata: Atractaspididae). Toxicon 54: 368-372. (PDF)
2008 |
- Lötters, S., D. Rödder, J. Bielby, J. Bosch, T.J.W. Garner, J. Kielgast, S. Schmidtlein, M. Veith, S. Walker, C. Weldon, D.M. Aanensen and M.C. Fisher. 2008. Meeting the challenge of conserving Madagascar’s megadiverse amphibians: addition of a risk-assessment for the chytrid fungus. PLoS Biology 6, (Link)
- Rödder, D. 2008. Book review: Lötters, S., K. H. Jungfer, F.-W. Henkel and W. Schmidt (2007): Poison Frogs. Biology, Species, & Captive Husbandry. – Frankfurt am Main (Edition Chimaira). Salamandra 44: 63-64.
- Rödder, D. 2008. Diet of Eleutherodactylus platydactylus and Physalaemus biligonigerus (Anura: Brachycephalidae, Leiuperidae). Russian Journal of Herpetology 15: 117-121. (PDF)
- Rödder, D., and K.-H. Jungfer. 2008. A new Pristimantis (Anura, Strabomantidae) from Yuruaní-tepui, Venezuela. Zootaxa 1814: 58-68. (PDF)
- Rödder, D., M. Solé and W. Böhme. 2008. Predicting the potential distribution of two alien invasive Housegeckos (Gekkonidae: Hemidactylus frenatus, Hemidactylus mabouia). North-Western Journal of Zoology 4: 236-246. (PDF)
- Rödder, D., M. Veith and S. Lötters. 2008. Environmental gradients explaining intensity of Chytrid (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis) infections: the host’s perspective. Animal Conservation 11: 513-517. (PDF)
2007 |
- Nöbel, S, and D. Rödder. 2007. Phyllium giganteum Hausleithner, 1984 – Haltung und Zucht. Arthropoda 15: 22-27.
- Rödder, D., and C. Koch. 2007. Beschreibung des Anzeige- und Befreiungsrufes von Phyllobates vittatus (Cope, 1893). Sauria 29: 19-23.
- Rödder, D., G. J. Guarneire, and R. L. Teixeira. 2007. Geographic distribution: Chaunus pombali. Herpetological Review 37: 486-487.
- Rödder, D., G. J. Guarneire, and R. L. Teixeira. 2007. Geographic distribution: Scinax similis. Herpetological Review 37: 486-487.
- Rödder, D., R. L. Teixeira, R. B. Ferreira, R. B. Dantas, W. Pertel and G. J. Guarneire. 2007. Anuran hotspots: the municipality of Santa Teresa, Espírito Santo, southeastern Brazil. Salamandra 43: 91-110.
- Schlüter, A., and D. Rödder. 2007. Three new frogs of the genus Eleutherodactylus (Amphibia, Leptodactylidae) from Guiaquinima table mountain, Bolivar, Venezuela. Herpetotropicos 3: 88-99. (PDF)
- Teixeira, R. L., and D. Rödder. 2007. Diet, foraging strategy and reproduction of Scinax argyreornatus (Anura: Hylidae) from a mountainous region at the Atlantic Rainforest of southeastern Brazil. Herpetozoa 19: 161-173.
- Teixeira, R. L., D. Rödder, G. I. Almeida, J. A. P. Schineider and S. A. Lopes. 2007. Artzusammensetzung und Abundanzmuster im Jahresverlauf dreier Anurengesellschaften an der Küste Brasiliens. Sauria 29: 33-45.
2006 |
- Rödder, D., R. B. Narcizo, R. L. Teixeira and W. Pertel. 2006. Bemerkungen zur Anurendiversität und -ökologie in einem Reservat im Atlantischen Regenwald in Südost Brasilien. Sauria 28: 27-38.
- Teixeira, R. L., P. C. M. Mili and D. Rödder. 2006. Ecology of anurans inhabiting bromeliads in a saxicolous habitat of southeastern Brazil. Salamandra 42: 155-163.
Book chapters
2018 |
- Astrin, J., S. Heine, C. Koch, D. Rödder, T. Töpfer and J. W. Wägele. 2018. Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig in Bonn: Transformation of a Classical Natural History Museum of the Nineteenth Century into a Biodiversity Research Institution. – In: Beck, L. A. (ed.): Zoological Collections of Germany. – Springer (Cham), pp. 153-182.
2016 |
- Schulte, L. M., and D. Rödder. 2016. Adolpho und Bertha Lutz – Leben und Werke. In: Deutschsprachige Beiträge zur Erforschung der Herpetofauna der Neotropis von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. Niekisch, M., T. Himmel und A. Kwet. Mertensiella 23: 245-260. (PDF)
2014 |
- Rödder, D. 2014. Biodiversity Informatics: Quantifying the structure and temporal fluctuations in species’ ranges. In: J.C. Habel, M. Meyer and T. Schmitt: Jewles in the Mist. ZooKeys : 161-164. (PDF)
2012 |
- Trautmann, S., S. Lötters, J. Ott, J. Buse, K. Filz, D. Rödder, N. Wagner, A. Jaeschke, U. Schulte, M. Veith, E.-M. Griebeler and K. Böhning-Gaese. 2012: Chapter 10: Auswirkungen auf geschützte und schutzwürdige Arten. In: V. Mosbrugger, G. Brasseur, M. Schaller and B. Stribrny: Klimawandel und Biodiversität – Folgen für Deutschland. 432 S. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt. (PDF)
2011 |
- Ficetola, G. F., D. Rödder and E. Padoa-Schioppa. 2011. Slider turtle (Trachemys scripta). In: Francis, R. A. (ed.): A handbook of global freshwater invasive species. Earthscan.
- Lötters, S., D. Rödder, J. Kielgast and F. Glaw. 2011. Hotspots, conservation and diseases: Madagascar’s megadiverse amphibians and the potential impact of chytridiomycosis. In: Habel, J. C., and F. Zachos. Biodiversity Hotspots: Distribution and Protection of Conservation Priority Areas. Springer.
- Rödder, D., S. Schmidtlein, S. Schick and S. Lötters. 2011. Climate Envelope Models in systematics and evolutionary research: theory and practice. In: T. Hodkinson, M. Jones, J. Parnell and S. Waldren (eds): Climate change, ecology and systematics. Cambridge University Press. UK.
2010 |
- Habel, J. C., B. Augenstein, G. Nève, D. Rödder and T. Assmann. 2010. Population genetics and ecological niche modelling reveal high fragmentation and potential future extinction of the endangered relict butterfly Lycaena helle. Pp. 417-440 In: Habel, J. C. and T. Assmann (eds.): Surviving on a Changing Climate – Phylogeography and Conservation of Relict Species. Springer. (PDF)
- Rödder, D. and J. Dambach. 2010. Bioclimatic Models as predictive GIS tools for the identification of potential refuges and possible migration pathways. Pp. 373-384 In: Habel, J. C. and T. Assmann (eds.): Surviving on a Changing Climate – Phylogeography and Conservation of Relict Species. Springer. (PDF)
- Rödder, D., A. Schlüter and S. Lötters. 2010. Is the ‘Lost World’ lost? High endemism of the South American tepuis in a changing climate. Pp. 401-416 In: Habel, J. C. and T. Assmann (eds.): Surviving on a Changing Climate – Phylogeography and Conservation of Relict Species. Springer. (PDF)
2009 |
- Rödder, D. 2009. How to predict the future? On niches and potential distributions of amphibians and reptiles in a changing climate. Dissertation. Universitäts-und Landesbibliothek Bonn
- Schmidt, B. R., S. Furrer, A. Kwet, S. Lötters, D. Rödder, M. Sztatecsny, U. Tobler and S. Zumbach. 2009. Desinfektion als Maßnahme gegen die Verbreitung von Krankheitserregern von Amphibien. Pp. 229-241 In: Hachtel, M., M. Schlüpmann, B. Thiesmeier and K. Weddeling (eds.): Methoden der Feldherpetologie. Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie (Suppl. 15). (PDF)
- Solé, M., and D. Rödder. 2009. Dietary assessments in adult amphibians. Chapter 10. Pp. 167-184. In: Dodd, K. (ed.). Amphibian ecology and conservation. A handbook of techniques. Oxford University Press. (PDF)
2008 |
- Böhme, W., and D. Rödder. 2008. 2.5. Amphibien und Reptilien: Verbreitungs- und Verhaltensänderungen aufgrund von Erderwärmung. Pp. 77–81 in: Lozán, J. L., H. Graß, G. Jendritzky, L. Karbe and K. Reise (eds.): Warnsignal Klima: Erderwärmung. Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen, Hamburg. (PDF)
Other journals
2023 |
- Ginal, P., J. Measey, A, Herrel, J. Secondi, R. Rebelo, J. Courant, and D. Rödder. 2023. Unbekannte Eindringlinge: der Glatte Krallenfrosch in Europa, sechs Jahre später. Elaphe 2023 (3), 76-87. (PDF)
2021 |
- Jacken, A., D. Rödder, and T. Ziegler. 2021. Distribution Patterns of Threatened Amphibians in the Zoo and Aquarium Community: A Call to Action. FrogLog 28(1), no. 122: 12-13.
- Mobaraki, A., L. McCastkill, U. Schepp, E. Abtin, R. Masroor, D. Pandhi, B. Desai, S. Muckerjee, T. Rasheed, S. A. Razzaque, A. De Silva, C. Stevenson, A. Rauhaus, M. D. Le, D. Rödder, and T. Ziegler. 2021. Conservation status of the Mugger (Crocodylus palustris): establishing a task force for a poster species of climate change. IUCN Crocodile Specialist Group Newsletter 40: 12-20. (PDF)
2016 |
- Measey, G. J., T. Backeljau, A. Herrel, R. Rebelo and D. Rödder. 2016. Unbekannte Eindringlinge: der afrikanische Krallenfrosch in Europa. – elaphe 58: 58-63.
2013 |
- Kurth, M., D. Hörnes und D. Rödder. 2013. Globale Amphibienkrise: Aufbau eines Monitoringsystems für Erhaltungszuchtprojekte am Beispiel ausgewählter Froschlurche. Koenigiana 7(2): 53-65.
2012 |
- Bernardes, M., D. Rödder, C. T. Pham, T. Q. Nguyen and T. Ziegler, T. 2012. Integration of Species Distribution Modeling with In Situ Research for the Conservation of the Endemic Vietnamese Crocodile Newt (Tylototriton vietnamensis). Froglog 20(5): 24-25.
- Bernardes, M., D. Rödder, T. T. Nguyen, C. T. Pham, T. Q. Nguyen and T. Ziegler. 2012. Verknüpfung ökologischer Nischenmodellierung mit naturschutzrelevanter „in situ“- Forschung: Verbreitung und Bestandssituation des IUCN-gelisteten und endemischen Vietnamesischen Krokodilmolchs, Tylototriton vietnamensis, im Norden Vietnams. Terraria / elaphe 5/2012: 118 – 119.
- Hawlitschek, O., F. Glaw and D. Rödder. 2012. Pemba – Herpetologische Fundgrube im Indischen Ozean. Reptilia 17(5): 97-109.
- Hörnes, D., M. Kurth, S. Esser and D. Rödder 2012. Reproduktionsbiologie ausgewählter Pfeilgiftfrösche der Gattungen Epipedobates, Mannophryne und Ranitomeya – Eine Vorstellung des renovierten Tierhauses und zukünftiger Projekte. Koenigiana, 6(2): 101-110. (PDF)
2011 |
- Bidinger, K., S. Lötters, M. Veith, D. Rödder, C. Krahmer, J. Amelong, P. Reiff and R. Hendler. 2011. Wer haftet für Folgeschäden von Neozoen? Das Problem des Asiatischen Marienkäfers. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 43: 133-137. (PDF)
- Lötters, S., D. Ellwein, D. Karbe, K. van der Straeten, M. Luger, J. Rautenberg, D. Rödder, P. J. Venegas, P. Werner and T. Ziegler. 2011. Erforschung und Schutz der letzten Harlekinfrösche. Elaphe 19: 6-11.
- Swei, A., J.J.L. Rowley, D. Rödder, M. L. L. Diesmos, A. C. Diesmos, C. J. Briggs, R. Brown, T. Trung Cao, T. L. Cheng, R. A. Chong, B. Han, J.-M. Hero, H. D. Hoang, M. D. Kusrini, D. Thi Thuy, J. A. McGuire, M. Meegaskumbura, M. S. Min, D. G. Mulcahy, T. Neang, S. Phimmachak, D.Q. Rao, N. M. Reeder, S. D. Schoville, N. Sivongxay, N. Srei, M. Stöck, B. L. Stuart, L. S. Torres, D. Thi Anh, T. S. Tunstall, D. Vietes and V. T. Vredenburg. 2011. Prevalence and distribution of Chytridiomycosis throughout Asia. Froglog 98: 31-32.
2010 |
- Lötters, S., D. Rödder and J. Kielgast. 2010. Bad inventories and poor taxonomy: ‘The’ problem when developing conservation strategies for afrotropical amphibians. African Herp News 51: 38.
- Rödder, D., J. Kielgast and S. Lötters. 2010. Spatial risk assessment for the amphibian chytrid funguns in tropical Africa. African Herp News 51: 41.
- Rödder, D. 2010. Stehen wir vor der nächsten Massenaussterbewelle? Von Arealsystemen, Nischenkonzepten, anthropogenem Klimawandel und möglichem Biodiversitätsverlust. Koenigiana 4: 9-19.
- Weinsheimer, F., M. Flecks, W. Böhme and D. Rödder. 2010. Projektvorstellung – Die Herpetofauna des Kimboza Forest in Tansania unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Türkisen Zwerggeckos Lygodactylus williamsi: Populationsabschätzung und Verbreitungsstudie eines bedrohten Endemits. Elaphe 1: 17-20.
2009 |
- Dambach, J., M. Meißner, D. Rödder, X. Eekhout, G. Cael, G. Mazza, F. Zinetti and M. De Biaggi. 2009. Young European taxonomists searching for herps in Central Spain. Amphibia 8: 17-28.
- Hawlitschek, O., D. Rödder and F. Glaw. Das Lappenchamaeleon Chamaeleo dilepis auf Pemba: Eine eigene Art? Chamaeleo 39: 8-9.
- Lötters, S., and D. Rödder. 2009. Climate Envelope Models: Welche Parameter sind relevant? In: Korn, H., R. Schliep and J. Stadtler (Eds.) Vernetzung der Akteure in Deutschland – Ergebnisse und Dokumentation des 5. Workshops. Bonn: BfN Skripten 252: 38-40.
- Lötters, S., and D. Rödder. 2009. Weltweites Amphibiensterben durch den Chytridpilz: Wissenschaftler an der Universität Trier erforschen das Risiko des Artenschwundes. Unijournal 35: 40-41.
- Pertel, W., R. L. Teixeira and D. Rödder. 2009. Frösche in der Laubstreu – Vertreter der Gattungen Haddadus, Ischnocnema und Proceratophrys in Santa Teresa, Espírito Santo. Terraria 16: 56-61.
- Rödder, D., B.R. Schmidt and M. Sztatecsny. 2009. Je höher desto sicherer? Einfluss bioklimatischer Faktoren auf Chytrid-Befall beim Alpensalamander. Elaphe 17: 25-28.
2008 |
- Pertel, W., D. Rödder and R. L. Teixeira. 2008. Die unbekannten aus dem Regenwald (I). DATZ 2: 72-76.
- Pertel, W., D. Rödder and R. L. Teixeira. 2008. Die unbekannten aus dem Regenwald (II). DATZ 3: 68-72.
- Pertel, W., R. B. Ferreira, D. Rödder and R. L. Teixeira. 2008. Frösche in und um Bromelien im Atlantischen Regenwald in Espírito Santo, Brasilien. Terraria 9: 64-70.
- Rödder, D. and A. Kwet. 2008. Totgesagte leben länger- Die Wiederentdeckung verschollener Frösche. Reptilia 74: 5-8.
- Rödder, D., 2008. Froschsterben im Atlantischen Regenwald. Terraria 12: 66-68.
- Rödder, D., and W. Böhme 2008. Klimawandel als Katalysator des Amphibiensterbens. Draco 34: 46-51.
- Teixeira, R. L., R. B. Ferreira and D. Rödder. 2008. Diversity and abundance variations of anurans at a permanent pond in Suruaca’s Valley, Linhares, Espírito Santo, southeastern Brazil. Amphibia 7: 20-25.
- Wagner, P. and D. Rödder. 2008. Erfassung der Herpetofauna eines Waldfragments im nordöstichen Sambia unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Biogeographie. Elaphe 16(3): 27-31.
2007 |
- Rödder, D. 2007. Das Schweigen der Frösche. Koenigiana 1: 77-85.
- Rödder, D., and M. Gilleßen. 2007. Haltung und Nachzucht von Epipedobates anthonyi (Noble, 1921) mit Bemerkungen zum Rufspektrum dieser Art. Elaphe 15: 26-33.
- Rödder, D., G. C. Zeidan, W. Pertel and R. L. Teixeira. 2007. Froschgesellschaften in Südamerika. Reptilia 63: 58-63.
- Teixeira, R. L., and D. Rödder. 2007. A rapid assessment of an anuran community inhabiting tank bromeliads in saxicolous habitat of southeastern Brazil. Amphibia 6: 13-20.
2006 |
- Böhme, W., and D. Rödder. 2006. “Reptil des Jahres 2006” – Die eurasische Wald- oder Bergeidechse (Zootoca vivipara), das erfolgreichste terrestrische Reptil der Welt.- Reptilia 59: 55-60.
- Pertel, W., R. L. Teixeira and D. Rödder. 2006. Anurans inhabiting soil Bromeliads in Santa Teresa, southeastern Brazil. Amphibia 5: 16-19.
- Rödder, D. 2006. Tarentola annularis (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1809) – Haltung und Zucht. Elaphe 14: 34-38.
- Rödder, D., A. Blanke and J. Dambach. 2006. Anurendiversität in Santa Teresa (Mata Atlântica) – Eine Bestandsaufnahme. Elaphe 14: 45-54.